Be quiet. You're distracting Dad. 安静。你让爸爸的注意力分散了。
Don‘t put your hand out the window. 不可以把手伸出车窗外。
It's too hot. Roll down the window. 太热了。把窗户降下来吧。
Can I play my portable video game? 我可以玩我的随身游戏机吧?
For only 30 minutes. 只能玩 30 分钟。
Your eyesight will get bad if you play the game in the car. 如果你在车内打游戏的话,你的视力会变差。
Reading books in a car is bad for your eyes. 在车内读书对你的眼睛不好。
Sing a song for Daddy to keep him awake. 唱首歌给 爸爸保持清醒吧。
Dad, you're speeding. 爸,你超速了。
I want to go to the restroom. 我想去厕所。
Let's stop at the rest area. 我们在休息站停一下。
Want me to play a CD? 要放 CD 吗?
If you're tired, sleep a little. 如果你累了,就睡一下吧。
I‘ll wake you up when we get there. 到了的话,我会叫醒你的。
Are we there yet? 我们已经到了吗?
How far should we go? 我们要开多远?
How much more do we have to go? 我们还要开多久?
I feel like I'm getting carsick. 我觉得我晕车了。