would you like to prepare for to
It is a sensitivity topic today I write, it is about what all people want to escape it and avoid it, but it has been decided we will meet it someday when we were born,
It seems that we would like to do everything to prepare for the future which we do not know whether it will happen or not, but we have a mind that we shall do it, and we believe something we will sure to meet this issue someday,
Just like we would like to earn money and to save it for our baby, and we intend to build a house or buy a flat for them so that they can have a better life than us, and we do not ask them if they like what we have done for them?
And when we grow up and become a mother or father, we will consider how to let our child to grow up smoothly and how we will consider our future life when we become older and older, even someday we can not go outside and work to earn enough money for our life, we do not want to ask for help from our child or society, so we choose to save our fund to bank or buy some insurance for ourselves so that we perhaps will use it someday, we shall do the worst consideration for our further elderly life. Of course, maybe some day we will be died from a traffic or a sudden illnesses which we can not control, but we still make a preparation for what we have thought before,
Just like my mom, one day she told me she want to buy a bed, even there are so many beds at home, I ask her why, she told me that she want buy a bed which one she will use it when she is died, it is just for using when she dies, she can lay on that special bed,
If as before when I heard these words, I will persuade her to image a good life and do not say such pessimistic words,but now, I understand that the best thing we can do is follow my mother’s suggestion and to choose a good single-bed for her as her idea, because it is a fact that we will go to other world someday, it is just a time problem, she is prepare for herself life, and actually, I believe someday when we grow up same age as hers, we will meet and consider the same thing, what we will wear that day? And where shall I lay on? And where my ashes will go? We shall prepare everything for ourselves and have a good bye to this world. Every one will meet this day, right? Even we do not want face it, but it will happen.
It is not a pessimism thinking, oppositely, it is a positive thoughts, it is better than someone who want to be immortal. And Only the soul can be immortal. It needs enough courage to face our death and prepare for it, just as one sentence, I dare to death, so what I scared?
When we consider everything and prepare for it enough, then we will enjoy our daily life and wait the God take us away, no matter what time it is, we have tried our best to do what we can do,we will take cherish for every moment, such as crying, disappointment, dispirited, and excited, surprise, delightful. We will have a memory for them in mind, which accompany our soul.
Of course, Mostly,even we have done everything, and it does not go smoothly as we have thought, and the best way is that we accept what we have faced, and do what we can do, then wait for what will happen.
All people say that life is just like a traveling, and we do not know when it starts, and how it ends, what what we can do is to enjoy the traveling feelings and prepare for the next step,
when we are a baby. the next step is walking,
when we are a student, the next step is learning and goals,
when we are a worker, the next step is how to work well,
when we are parents, the next step is how to teach our baby,
when we become older, the next step is how to survial when we can not work,
when we become elder, the next step is how to say goodbye to this world,
So from that we can see the life is changing everyday, and most of us want to keep eveything unchanged, how could it? another, we always want our life to go in a direction that we have expected, well. life always prefers to give us a suprise, what we shall do ?
A psychologist said that every one has a entropy, the entropy means "lazy'' and it means the peole who want to live a invariable life, so if we want to become stronger ,we must to face what we scared , what we escaped, what we unfaced, then we can get what we want,
So we can face the death but not scare it, we can talk about it but not worried it, we can enjoy now and prepare for tomorrow, nothing is impossible, if someone tells you they are elder and someday they will disappear, just tell them enjoy the moment and face it, and help them reach their wishes.