OkHttp 文档翻译之 Calls
Http client 的工作是接收请求和生成响应。这个在原理上很简答的问题,在实现时变得很棘手。
每个 Http request 包含一个 URL,一个方法(例如 :GET or Post),和 Headers 列表。Requests 也有可能包含一个请求体 :一个具体内容的数据流。
一个 Response 应答 一个 Request 时,包含一个响应码(例如 200 成功 或者 404 未找到),headers,和自定义的响应体。
Rewriting Requests
当你提供一个 OkHttp 包含一个 Http request,你正在描述一个高级的请求:“取走我包含 Headers 的 Url “ 。为了正确高效,OkHttp 封装了 Request 在发出请求之前。
OkHttp 可能添加 headers,这些 headers 可能在原始的请求中是不存在的, 包括 Content-Length
, Transfer-Encoding
, User-Agent
, Host
, Connection
, and Content-Type
header 给透明压缩的
响应,除非这个 header 已经存在了。如果你获取过 Cookies
, OkHttp 会添加一个 Cookie
header 包含他们。
一些 Requests 会有 Response 缓存。当缓存的响应没有更新时,OkHttp 会执行一个附加条件的 get 去下载一个更新过的 Response 如果它更新了。这些请求会添加 headers ,例如 If-Modified-Since
Rewriting Responses
Follow-up Requests
当你请求的 url 发生了转移 , web server 会返回 302
去指出文件的新路径。OkHttp 会跟踪重定向取取回最终的 Response 。
如果响应发出授权验证,OkHttp 会询问 Authenticator
(如果已经配置过了)来通过授权验证。如果验证者提供了凭证,request 会带着这个凭证再次请求。
Retrying Requests
有时候会连接失败:不论是连接池失效了无法连接,还是 webserver 无法访问。OkHttp 会重新请求一个其他的路线,如果存在可用的。
通过重写,重定向,后续跟踪和重试,您的简单请求可能会产生许多请求和响应。OkHttp 使用 Call 来模拟满足您的请求的任务,但是许多中间的请求和响应时必要的。通常这不是很多!但是,如果您的URL被重定向或者故障转移到备用IP地址,您的代码将继续有效,这一点令人欣慰。
Calls 有两种执行方式:
- Synchronous : 阻塞线程直到 Response 可读。
- Asynchronous : 在任何线程上排队请求,当 response 可读时,在其他线程上获得回调。
Call 可以从任何线程取消。如果当前没有完成,Call 会失败!正在编写请求正文或读取响应正文的代码在 Call 被取消时将产生 IOException。
- This is simple in theory but it gets tricky in practice.
- a data stream of a specific content type.
- its own optional body.
- For correctness and efficiency, OkHttp rewrites your request before transmitting it.
- OkHttp may add headers that are absent from the original request.
- It will add an
header for transparent response compression unless the header is already present. - OkHttp will drop the corresponding response headers
- they don’t apply to the decompressed response body.
- responses from the network and cache are merged as directed by the spec.
- the webserver will return a response code like
to indicate the document’s new URL. - OkHttp will follow the redirect to retrieve a final response.
- If the response issues an authorization challenge, OkHttp will ask the
(if one is configured) to satisfy the challenge. - If the authenticator supplies a credential, the request is retried with that credential included.
- Sometimes connections fail: either a pooled connection was stale and disconnected, or the webserver itself couldn’t be reached.
- With rewrites, redirects, follow-ups and retries, your simple request may yield many requests and responses.
- OkHttp uses
to model the task of satisfying your request through however many intermediate requests and responses are necessary. - Typically this isn’t many!
- But it’s comforting to know that your code will continue to work if your URLs are redirected or if you failover to an alternate IP address.
- Too many simultaneous connections wastes resources; too few harms latency.