
The Unwanted Gift of Grief 笔记

2017-12-27  本文已影响0人  董沙拉拉拉拉

Book: The Unwanted Gift of Grief

Author: Tim P. VanDuivendyk, DMin

Date: 2017/12/23-27



书的主题是,grief是我们unwanted但来自于神的gift。在这个过程中,神会开始祂的医治。它能给我们transformation,最终带来走向wholeness & completeness,更好地去internalize神的永恒与真实。





Chapter 7 - Wrestling with sadness and depression

Depression is the darkness before the dawn. The darkness may take more than a few months or even years. When one moves into depression, it often means that he or she is moving to accept the fact that what has happened will not change or go away.

In sadness and depression, there is a deep sense of gloom. These are the dark nights of the soul. We may wrestle with these nights of the soul many times before dawn comes. .... An inability to concentrate permeates most events and may interrupt our ability to focus or work. 

Depression is similar to entering a dark tunnel or cave. It is so dark we may not see our hands or feet in the darkness, nor do we know where to place them in order to keep moving through the darkness. We notice that stopping along the way, does give us a bit of rest and a time to cry, but we keep on searching for light.


The more we avoid and run from depression, the tighter and longer its grip. We need to let the desert and the wilderness transform us.

Usually, the fastest and most effective way out of sadness and depression is through it, not around the desert, not over the desert, not under the desert; but through the desert of depression. 






In the desert, we will find growth and renewal. In the desert, we will hear the still small voice of God or nudge of the Holy Spirit. which will guide us to strength, wisdom, hope, future, and healing. 

By going into the desert, I do not mean that we isolate ourselves or withdraw from the world. I mean that we allow the pain to be experienced, as it needs to be experienced. We allow our tears expression. Our tears need a release and will speak to us in the midst of the release. Our sadness wants expression and this same sadness wants to comfort us. 



When we begin to heal, we often don't realize the healing movements.

The unwanted gift of sadness and depression often never gets utilized. God and the Spirit wish to embrace us in the pain. However, when our pain and tears surface, we often run away into business. Rather than stay too busy, we need to schedule time each day to go to the desert, feel the feelings, and reflect on our loss.

After many nights, days, and sometimes weeks and months in the darkness, we take a turn and suddenly see off in the distance a brief light. Our step and hope quicken. We breathe faster in hopeful anticipation. We have been in the dark night of soul so long we had forgotten what hope felt like. At times, we do not realize that we feel a little better until later or the next day. It is similar to realizing, "For a few minutes, I felt good yesterday."

In this state, it is often difficult to experience God's presence. God is often felt as distant or absent. The Holy One may seem transcendent, beyond, far away, or voiceless. Not being able to experience God out there beyond us, we often withdraw into our soul's inner sanctuary. We go deep into this inner sanctuary and, at some point, we may intuit, sense, feel, or perhaps hear the still small voice of God or the slight nudge of the Spirit. Our hope and healing quicken. 

Before, we did not believe that God was with us. But now, in the soul's inner sanctuary, we discover that the Spirit of God is imminently and intimately with us, even closer than our own breath.

In this wrestle, we enter the experience of the Garden of the Garden of Gethsemane. We embrace the cross and move toward resurrection. Our anxieties embrace peace. Our fears embrace courage, our doubts embrace faith, our despair embraces hope, our broken life begins to heal, and our grief finds direction. We are being made new. We are living towards resurrection.






In the desert, we "let go" of what we hold on to so tightly in our lives. We let go of the one we lost. We let go of the way life was. We let go of yesterday. By letting go, we enter mystery. Our thinking gives up on emotions and feelings. Our tears may release and flow. Our masks and facades give up to transparency. Our adult logic gives up to regressing into feelings of a child state again. The rational self gives up to wonder. Our need to control gives up to letting go and letting be. Our awareness of temporal time gives up to eternal awareness. We let go of the way life has been and, as a result, our life is transformed toward depth, height, breadth, and newness.

Our spirit is transformed towards healing and wholeness. All things become "new," yet, we still know the old. We are grasped by the Spirit and participate in a faith, which sees through things, people, sadness, despair, and depression with new eyes.

In the desert of depression and sadness all things are being made ultimately new, ultimately healed, ultimately whole and holy. Through this painful wresting, we began to differentiate and individuate toward new being. We let go and transform. We internalize the truth. This was a truth we knew all along but could not fully grasp. This truth is that all things are gifts but are also temporary. We are invited to die to the old in order to rise up to new life. This process is painful, yet leads to transformation.

You know it takes time and works to get through it. You know the road is not easy. As with the caterpillar, you know that in order to become a butterfly, a transformed creation, you must enter a process of giving up the way life has been in order to find new life. You know that metamorphosis is a difficult work but brings transformation.

God from the eternality seeks us. 

He is the truth that seeks us.

我们的最终归宿也是永恒和完整。保罗说,人看为有益的、肉体所看重的,对于他来说都是有损的——比如他的身份、地位、知识。这些为了能更亲近神,他都let go。若不是为了神,这些都是他与神之间的障碍。





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