肉体机器中的思辨灵魂 _《心理学百科》笔记_Mar8
There is a Reasoning Soul in This Machine
Ancient Greek - 4th century BCE:
Greek philosopher Plato claims that the body is from the material world, but the soul/mind is from the immortal world of ideas.
Philosopher Aristotle says that the soul and body are inseparable: the soul is the actuality of the body.Potentiality and actuality (潜能与现实)是亚里士多德在自己的物理,形而上学,尼各马可伦理学和灵魂论的理论体系种用来分析的一套二元理论 - principles of dichotomy。
Rene Descartes 笛卡儿
1. "There is a great difference between mind and body 灵肉二元论"
1633, Descartes wrote De Homine ("Man") 《人论》, his frist philosophical book, in which he describes the dualism of mind and body: the non-material mind, or "soul".
Descartes says, is seated in the brain's pineal gland doing the thinking, while the body is like a machine that operates by "animal spirits", or fluids, flowing through the nervous system to cause movement. 笛卡儿认为非物质的大脑(灵魂)被承载于松果体(脊椎动物脑中在小内分泌腺体)中,而肉体依靠动物精气,如同机器一般工作。这里说的动物精气,即是黏液说中提到的流经我们神经系统在体液-在它的作用下,我们产生了动作。

2. An analogy for the mind
Taking his inspiration from the French formal gardens of Versailles, with their hydraulic systems that supply water to the gardens and their elaborate fountains. Descartes describes the spirits of the body operating the nerves and muscles like the force of water, and "by this means to cause motion in all the parts". The fountains were controlled by a fountaineer, and there Descrates found an analogy for the mind. 关于流通全身的“动物精气”,笛卡儿从凡尔赛宫法国规则式园林的供水系统和喷泉中得到灵感,将它比喻成水压,从而推动了身体各部分的运作。
Philosophers still argue as to whether the mind and brain are somehow different entities, most psychologists equate the mind with the workings of the brain.
1710, in A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human knowledge, Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley claims that the body is merely the perception of the mind. 主张非物质论的英裔爱尔兰哲学家George Berkeley (1685-1753) 在著作《关于人类知识原理的论文》中提出[肉体只是心灵的一种知觉].
1904, in Does Consciousness Exist? William James asserts that consciousness is not a separate entity but a function of particular experiences. 美国心理学之父William James在著作《意识存在吗》中断言道,意识并非独立的实体,而是由一系列特定的经验作用而形成。

Character 人物 - Descartes's other works 笛卡儿的主要作品:
1637 Discourse on the Method
1662 De Homine (written 1633)
1647 The Description of the Human Body
1649 The Passions of the Soul