

2019-01-12  本文已影响41人  9444e0643fbd







Um 可以走了吗Um, shall we?

等一下Hold the phone.Oh! Whoa whoa whoa

等我一下Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now.

- 你从哪学来的? - 学什么?- Where did that come from? -What?

那个啊! 刚才那里真令人吃惊!That! Back there. That was amazing!

你从哪学到的啊?Where did you learn that?

Well 当你独自生活时Well... When onelives alone,

uh 你必须得学点本领以防万一...uh, one hasto learn these things in case there's a...

- 你屁股上有支箭! - 什么?- There's an arrow in your butt! - What?

- Oh 你能帮忙看看吗? -Oh no这都是我的错

- Oh, would you look at that?- Oh, no. This is all my fault.

- 真的很对不起 - 为什么? 出什么事了?- I'm so sorry. - Why? What's wrong?

- 史瑞克受伤了 - 史瑞克受伤了史瑞克受伤了? Oh no Shrek你可千万别死啊!

- Shrek's hurt. - Shrek's hurt.

Shrek's hurt? Oh, no, Shrek's gonna die.

- 驴子我没事 - 你不可以这样子对我你还年轻你别死啊!

- Donkey, I'm okay. - You can't do this to me. I'm too young for you

to die.


Keep your legs elevated. Turn your head and cough.

- 有谁会Heimlich急救法啊? - 驴子! 冷静点

- Does anyone know the Heimlich?- Donkey! Calm down.

如果你想帮Shrek 就到树林里去找有红色刺的蓝色花

If you want to help Shrek, run into the woods and find me a blueflower with red thorns.

蓝色花、红色刺 Okay 我马上去蓝色花、红色刺蓝色花、红色刺

Blue flower, red thorns. Okay, I'm on it. Blue flower, red thorns.

不要死 Shrek 如果你见到长隧道出现千万别走进光里面!

Don't die, Shrek. If you see a long tunnel, stay away from the light!

- 驴子! - Oh yeah 好的蓝色花、红色刺...- Donkey! - Oh, yeah. Right. Blue flower, red thorns.

- 蓝色花、红色刺那种花是用来干什么的?- "Blue flower, red thorns." - What are the flowers for?

- 用来支开驴子的 - Ah For

getting rid of Donkey. - Ah.

现在你不要动我帮你把箭拔出来Now you hold still, and I'llyank this thing out.

Ow! Hey! 别这么大力拔Ow! Hey!

Easy with the yankin'.

- 对不起但是一定得拔出来的 - No 温柔- I'm sorry, butit has to come out.

 - No, it's tender.

现在继续吧Now, hold on.

- 你这样做只会越帮越忙的 - 别动啊!

- What you're doing is the opposite of help.- Don't move.

- 听着先暂停 - 你能不...- Look, time out.-Wouldyou...

Okay 那你说我们该怎样来?Okay.What do you propose we do?


Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red thorns. Blue flower, red



This would be so much easier if I wasn't colour-blind!

- 蓝色花、红色刺 - Ow!- Blue

flower, red thorns. - Ow!

坚持住史瑞克! 我来了!HoId on, Shrek! I'm


Ow! 受不了啦Ow! Not good.Okay


我差不多能看见箭头了Okay. Okay, I can nearly see the head.

- 这只是时... - Ow! Ohh!- It's

just about... - Ow! Ohh!Ahem Ahem.

什么也没发生我们只是要 uh...Nothing happened. We were just,


听着如果你们想单独相处的话只需要开句声就行了 Okay?

Look, if you wanted to be alone, all you had to do was ask,Okay?

Oh 拜托! 那是我最不想干的事情Oh, come on! That's the last thing on my mind.

公主只不过是要...Ugh!The princess here was just... Ugh!

- Ow! - Hey 那是什么?- Ow! -

Hey, what's that?

那是...那是血吗?That's... Is that blood?

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