HyperLedger Fabric自动化集中化部署方案
Ansible fabric starter by Altoros
This project contains playbooks and roles for deployment of Hyperledger fabric project on multiple instances. Everything is running inside docker-containers, and managed by docker-compose. Assumed that 1 physical (or virtual) host will serve one organisation, so only multi-host deployment is supported by this tool.
Quick overview:
- Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.4
- TLS enabled on all configurations
- etcdraft, kafka and solo orderers are supported
- CouchDB and LevelDB peer database supprted
- Configurable amount of organisations
- Configurable amount of channels
- 1 chaincode for common channel, and 1 other chaincode for everything else
- Build-in hyperledger fabric explorer
- Build-in Altoros RestAPI
Technical Requirements:
Your machine should have:
- GNU/Linux operating system
- ansible 2.5.0+
You can find installation instructions on ansible website.
Provisioned nodes by ansible should have:
- Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 9+ or CentOS 7
- python
- sudo access
At least 2GB of RAM if you are using kafka-orderer.
Ports, used by default, you probably want to whitelist them in your firewall.
Ports, needed for blockchain instances to communicate with each other:
- 7050 - Hyperledger fabric orderer port
- 7054 - Hyperledger fabric CA port
- 7051 - Hyperledger fabric peer port
- 7053 - Hyperledger fabric peer event port
- 22 - ssh, or any other port number, needed for inital ansible deployment only
In case of kafka-orderer:
- 9092 - Kafka broker port
- 2181 - Kafka zookeper port
- 2888 - Kafka zookeper port
- 3888 - Kafka zookeper port
Ports, you may want (or may not) open to the internet:
- 4000 - Altoros RestAPI
- 8080 - Hyperledger Blockchain Explorer web-app
How can I clone this repositry?
git clone https://github.com/Altoros/Ansible-Fabric-Starter.git
How should I configure my blockchain network?
You can find three example-configurations:
- hosts_compact.yml - Solo orderer, 3 organizations, orderer-service is hosted on first's organization node. Only common channel is enabled.
- hosts_dedicated_orderer.yml - Solo orderer, 3 organizations, orderer-service is hosted on separated node. 3 private channels between all organizations.
- hosts_kafka.yml - Kafka orderer, 3 organizations, each organization has own copy of orderer-service. 3 private channels between all organizations.
- hosts_raft.yml - EtcdRaft orderer, 4 organizations, each organization has own copy of orderer-service. 2 private channels between first three organizations.