Cancers 2021, 13, 1732.
Simple Summary: Anthracyclines are a class of chemotherapeutics that are an essential component of many treatment regimens for solid and blood tumors. Doxorubicin (DOX), an anthracycline is broadly considered the most active single agent available for many cancers. However, effective use of anthracyclines is limited due to the possibility of cardiotoxicity, thus causing restrictions on treatment options for treatable cancers. Our studies indicate the SP/NK1R system as a promising novel target and use of NK1R antagonists as a translational tool for prevention of chemotherapy-associated cardiotoxicity in cancer.
简单总结:蒽环类化疗药是许多实体瘤和血液瘤的许多治疗方案中必不可少的成分。阿霉素(Doxorubicin(DOX))可治疗多种癌症,被认为是最活跃的化疗药物之一。但是,蒽环类药物的使用常常因为其心脏毒性的可能而受到限制,从而导致无法用它治疗那些本可治疗的癌症。我们的研究表明P物质 / NK-1受体系统作为一个新的治疗靶点很有希望,用于为肿瘤患者预防化疗相关的心脏毒性。
来自MD Anderson 肿瘤中心的研究结果