Guru Weekly程序员iOS开发记录

推酷《Guru Weekly》第十九期

2016-03-23  本文已影响53人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. DOM event listening made easy

  2. Textured Gradients in Pure CSS

  3. Angular1 vs. Angular2 Quick Reference

  4. Content & Display Patterns with Expressive CSS

  5. JavaScript Module Systems Showdown: CommonJS vs AMD vs ES2015

  6. CSS Exclusions and Grid Layout

  7. Seams in JavaScript

  8. 6 Ways to Bind JavaScript’s this Keyword in React, ES6 & ES7


  1. Push Notifications Tutorial: Getting Started

  2. Securing React Redux Apps With JWT Tokens

  3. The pros, cons and politics of hybrid mobile apps

  4. Android Developer’s Guide to Fragment Navigation Pattern

  5. Universal React: You’re doing it wrong

  6. Apple starts rejecting apps that use UIWebBrowserView

  7. iOS Architecture Patterns

  8. Reactive Android UI Programming with RxBinding


  1. Scala’s Types of Types

  2. Diving Into Other People's Code

  3. Function types in go

  4. Go Learn

  5. Simple coroutines for games in C++

  6. Functional architecture is Ports and Adapters

  7. A Deep Dive into Ruby Scopes

  8. Making a Go program 70% faster by avoiding common mistakes

  9. F# and GPUs for Life Insurance Modeling


  1. Dragon: A distributed graph query engine

  2. Percona Server 5.7 performance improvements

  3. Redis Performance Monitoring with the ELK Stack


  1. The Complete Guide to HTTP/2 with HAProxy and Nginx

  2. When Should I Break My Application into Multiple Containers?

  3. Lessons from Building a Node App in Docker

  4. Load balancing or balancing on the edge of a cliff?

  5. Apache Spark as a Distributed SQL Engine

  6. On-Time Flight Performance with Spark GraphFrames


  1. Giving Up on TDD

  2. 58 Best Mobile Testing Tools You Can’t Live Without

  3. Writing Testable Code in JavaScript: A Brief Overview

  4. Test-Driven-Development for building APIs in Node.js and Express

  5. Java Testing Weekly 11 / 2016


  1. The 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results

  2. A quick look at the git object store

  3. Lessons Learned from a Year of Elasticsearch in Production

  4. Jeff Dean on Large-Scale Deep Learning at Google

  5. Distributed TensorFlow with MPI

  6. Understanding CSRF

  7. Crawling a page that loads content dynamically with Selenium in Python

  8. Timers and time management in the Linux kernel – Part 6

  9. tcpdump is amazing

  10. Open Source is losing, SaaS is leading, APIs will win…


  1. Programming Fonts Collection

  2. sAlert – React UI alert component

  3. Gor - capture and replay live HTTP traffic

  4. ReduxDB – Redux with MongoDB API: Get Rid of Actions and Stores


  1. Web Design Weekly #227

  2. Issue #197

  3. Issue #14

  4. Microservices Weekly | Issue #18: Zombie Apocalypse

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