这个问题之所以会发生,是因为当我们创建一个新对象时,需要分配额外的内存。虽然虚拟内存理论上为我们提供了无限制的内存空间,但现实却并非如此。如果一个系统耗尽了所有的物理内存,就会开始将内存页替换到二级存储设备,通常是硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive,HDD)。 在多数情况下,由于内存和硬盘之间的性能差异,这是不能接受的。固态硬盘(Solid State Drive, SSD)的性能一般比硬盘更好,但并非人人都使用SSD,SSD并不会很快全面替代硬盘(请参考 网页[])。
除内存使用之外,计算性能也是一个考虑点。图形软件,包括计算机游戏,应该能够极快地 渲染3D信息(例如,有成千上万棵树的森林或满是士兵的村庄)。如果一个3D地带的每个对象都 是单独创建,未使用数据共享,那么性能将是无法接受的(请参考网页[])。
用一个例子可能有助于解释实际应用场景中如何使用享元模式。假设我们正在设计一个性能关键的游戏,例如第一人称射击(First-Person Shooter,FPS)游戏。在FPS游戏中,玩家(士兵) 共享一些状态,如外在表现和行为。例如,在《反恐精英》游戏中,同一团队(反恐精英或恐怖分子)的所有士兵看起来都是一样的(外在表现)。同一个游戏中,(两个团队的)所有士兵都有一些共同的动作,比如,跳起、低头等(行为)。这意味着我们可以创建一个享元来包含所有共同的数据。当然,士兵也有许多因人而异的可变数据,这些数据不是享元的一部分,比如,枪支、健康状况和地理位置等。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import weakref
class FlyweightMeta(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, parents, dct):
:param name: class name
:param parents: class parents
:param dct: dict: includes class attributes, class methods,
static methods, etc
:return: new class
# set up instances pool
dct['pool'] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
return super(FlyweightMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, parents, dct)
def _serialize_params(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Serialize input parameters to a key.
Simple implementation is just to serialize it as a string
args_list = map(str, args)
args_list.extend([str(kwargs), cls.__name__])
key = ''.join(args_list)
return key
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
key = FlyweightMeta._serialize_params(cls, *args, **kwargs)
pool = getattr(cls, 'pool', {})
instance = pool.get(key)
if not instance:
instance = super(FlyweightMeta, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
pool[key] = instance
return instance
class Card(object):
"""The object pool. Has builtin reference counting"""
_CardPool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
"""Flyweight implementation. If the object exists in the
pool just return it (instead of creating a new one)"""
def __new__(cls, value, suit):
obj = Card._CardPool.get(value + suit)
if not obj:
obj = object.__new__(cls)
Card._CardPool[value + suit] = obj
obj.value, obj.suit = value, suit
return obj
# def __init__(self, value, suit):
# self.value, self.suit = value, suit
def __repr__(self):
return "<Card: %s%s>" % (self.value, self.suit)
class Card2(object):
__metaclass__ = FlyweightMeta
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# print('Init {}: {}'.format(self.__class__, (args, kwargs)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
sys.stderr.write("!!! This example is compatible only with Python 2 ATM !!!\n")
raise SystemExit(0)
# comment __new__ and uncomment __init__ to see the difference
c1 = Card('9', 'h')
c2 = Card('9', 'h')
print(c1, c2)
print(c1 == c2, c1 is c2)
print(id(c1), id(c2))
c1.temp = None
c3 = Card('9', 'h')
print(hasattr(c3, 'temp'))
c1 = c2 = c3 = None
c3 = Card('9', 'h')
print(hasattr(c3, 'temp'))
# Tests with metaclass
instances_pool = getattr(Card2, 'pool')
cm1 = Card2('10', 'h', a=1)
cm2 = Card2('10', 'h', a=1)
cm3 = Card2('10', 'h', a=2)
assert (cm1 == cm2) != cm3
assert (cm1 is cm2) is not cm3
assert len(instances_pool) == 2
del cm1
assert len(instances_pool) == 2
del cm2
assert len(instances_pool) == 1
del cm3
assert len(instances_pool) == 0
### OUTPUT ###
# (<Card: 9h>, <Card: 9h>)
# (True, True)
# (31903856, 31903856)
# True
# False
<Card: 9h> <Card: 9h>
True True
4405784136 4405784136
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-f0792005f54c> in <module>()
97 # Tests with metaclass
---> 98 instances_pool = getattr(Card2, 'pool')
99 cm1 = Card2('10', 'h', a=1)
100 cm2 = Card2('10', 'h', a=1)
AttributeError: type object 'Card2' has no attribute 'pool'
root@localhost:~/software# python
(<Card: 9h>, <Card: 9h>)
(True, True)
(140061805283344, 140061805283344)
import weakref
class Card(object):
"""The object pool. Has builtin reference counting"""
_CardPool = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
"""Flyweight implementation. If the object exists in the
pool just return it (instead of creating a new one)"""
def __new__(cls, value, suit):
obj = Card._CardPool.get(value + suit, None)
if not obj:
obj = object.__new__(cls)
Card._CardPool[value + suit] = obj
obj.value, obj.suit = value, suit
return obj
# def __init__(self, value, suit):
# self.value, self.suit = value, suit
def __repr__(self):
return "<Card: %s%s>" % (self.value, self.suit)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# comment __new__ and uncomment __init__ to see the difference
c1 = Card('9', 'h')
c2 = Card('9', 'h')
print(c1, c2)
print(c1 == c2)
print(id(c1), id(c2))
<Card: 9h> <Card: 9h>
4405761024 4405761024
Exaile音乐播放器(请参考网页[])使用享元来复用通过相同URL识别的对象 (在这里是指音乐歌曲)。创建一个与已有对象的URL相同的新对象是没有意义的,所以复用相同的对象来节约资源(请参考网页[])。
Peppy是一个用Python语言实现的类XEmacs编辑器(请参考网页[]),它使用享元模式存储major mode状态栏的状态。这是因为除非用户修改,否则所有状态栏共享相同的属性(请参考网页[])。这个软件原作者2014年就放弃了。
- 应用需要使用大量的对象。
- 对象太多,存储/渲染它们的代价太大。一旦移除对象中的可变状态(因为在需要之时,应该由客户端代码显式地传递给享元),多组不同的对象可被相对更少的共享对象所替代。
- 对象ID对于应用不重要。对象共享会造成ID比较的失败,所以不能依赖对象ID(那些在客户端代码看来不同的对象,最终具有相同的ID)。
TreeType = Enum('TreeType', 'apple_tree cherry_tree peach_tree')
在深入代码之前,我们稍稍解释一下memoization与享元模式之间的区别。memoization是一种优化技术,使用一个缓存来避免重复计算那些在更早的执行步骤中已经计算好的结果。memoization并不是只能应用于某种特定的编程方式,比如面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)。在Python中,memoization可以应用于方法和简单的函数。享元则是一种特定于面向对象编程优化的设计模式,关注的是共享对象数据。
def __new__(cls, tree_type):
obj = cls.pool.get(tree_type, None)
if not obj:
obj = object.__new__(cls)
cls.pool[tree_type] = obj
obj.tree_type = tree_type
return obj
方法render()用于在屏幕上渲染一棵树。注意,享元不知道的所有可变(外部的)信息都需要由客户端代码显式地传递。在当前案例中,每棵树都用到一个随机的年龄和一个x, y形式的位置。为了让render()更加有用,有必要确保没有树会被渲染到另一个棵之上。你可以考虑把这个作为练习。如果你想让渲染更加有趣,可以使用一个图形工具包,比如Tkinter或Pygame。
def render(self, age, x, y):
print('render a tree of type {} and age {} at ({}, {})'.format(self.tree_type, age, x, y))
def main():
rnd = random.Random()
age_min, age_max = 1, 30 # 单位为年
min_point, max_point = 0, 100
tree_counter = 0
for _ in range(10):
t1 = Tree(TreeType.apple_tree)
t1.render(rnd.randint(age_min, age_max),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point))
tree_counter += 1
for _ in range(3):
t2 = Tree(TreeType.cherry_tree)
t2.render(rnd.randint(age_min, age_max),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point))
tree_counter += 1
for _ in range(5):
t3 = Tree(TreeType.peach_tree)
t3.render(rnd.randint(age_min, age_max),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point))
tree_counter += 1
print('trees rendered: {}'.format(tree_counter))
print('trees actually created: {}'.format(len(Tree.pool)))
t4 = Tree(TreeType.cherry_tree)
t5 = Tree(TreeType.cherry_tree)
t6 = Tree(TreeType.apple_tree)
print('{} == {}? {}'.format(id(t4), id(t5), id(t4) == id(t5)))
print('{} == {}? {}'.format(id(t5), id(t6), id(t5) == id(t6)))
import random
from enum import Enum
TreeType = Enum('TreeType', 'apple_tree cherry_tree peach_tree')
class Tree:
pool = dict()
def __new__(cls, tree_type):
obj = cls.pool.get(tree_type, None)
if not obj:
obj = object.__new__(cls)
cls.pool[tree_type] = obj
obj.tree_type = tree_type
return obj
def render(self, age, x, y):
print('render a tree of type {} and age {} at ({}, {})'.format(self.tree_type, age, x, y))
def main():
rnd = random.Random()
age_min, age_max = 1, 30 # 单位为年
min_point, max_point = 0, 100
tree_counter = 0
for _ in range(10):
t1 = Tree(TreeType.apple_tree)
t1.render(rnd.randint(age_min, age_max),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point))
tree_counter += 1
for _ in range(3):
t2 = Tree(TreeType.cherry_tree)
t2.render(rnd.randint(age_min, age_max),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point))
tree_counter += 1
for _ in range(5):
t3 = Tree(TreeType.peach_tree)
t3.render(rnd.randint(age_min, age_max),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point),
rnd.randint(min_point, max_point))
tree_counter += 1
print('trees rendered: {}'.format(tree_counter))
print('trees actually created: {}'.format(len(Tree.pool)))
t4 = Tree(TreeType.cherry_tree)
t5 = Tree(TreeType.cherry_tree)
t6 = Tree(TreeType.apple_tree)
print('{} == {}? {}'.format(id(t4), id(t5), id(t4) == id(t5)))
print('{} == {}? {}'.format(id(t5), id(t6), id(t5) == id(t6)))
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 29 at (13, 7)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 21 at (40, 66)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 3 at (53, 52)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 19 at (100, 84)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 11 at (57, 56)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 22 at (20, 37)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 11 at (7, 16)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 3 at (10, 18)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 17 at (85, 75)
render a tree of type TreeType.apple_tree and age 4 at (97, 34)
render a tree of type TreeType.cherry_tree and age 17 at (72, 29)
render a tree of type TreeType.cherry_tree and age 10 at (26, 79)
render a tree of type TreeType.cherry_tree and age 1 at (85, 56)
render a tree of type TreeType.peach_tree and age 6 at (44, 71)
render a tree of type TreeType.peach_tree and age 4 at (42, 50)
render a tree of type TreeType.peach_tree and age 27 at (85, 24)
render a tree of type TreeType.peach_tree and age 27 at (51, 22)
render a tree of type TreeType.peach_tree and age 23 at (37, 55)
trees rendered: 18
trees actually created: 3
4405186288 == 4405186288? True
4405186288 == 4405186456? False