I am very, very touched by your note—— I really do consider it a privilege to be able to attract amazing people such as yourself to XXX and to our team!
This was a very, very close decision and one that I've struggled with becacuse you and our other candidate are very strong. Unfortunately, I have decided to go with another who was also strong in business partnership under a variety of conditions. I am a firm believer and fan of YOU and I would love to see you at XXX! You came across as articulate, driven, and had clear examples of impact and partnering —— I hope that, while this will be a bit of a disappointment to hear the hiring outcome, you feel proud of how you conducted yourself and respresented yourself and your experiences.
Please know that I am happy to keep in touch, and to be an advocate for you within XXX with other hiring managers.
And, of course, should I have an open position in the future, I will not hesitate to reach out and touch base to see where you're at in terms of exploring other options!
I would be honored to keep in contact, and if I can be of any other help at this phase of your exploration, or on an ad-hoc mentoring basis, please do let me know —— I would love to be of service to you.