Poor Charlie's Almanack(Talk 10

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阅读内容: 《穷查理宝典》 Poor Charlie's Almanack---Talk Ten

USC Gould School Of Law Commencement Address


This talk was made by Charles T. Munger at the University of Southern California on May 13, 2007.

He offered insights into the practices that have contributed to his success and to his standing as one of  the wealthiest people in the world. He observed that the acquisition of wisdom is a moral duty and stressed that, while attending law school, he realized the best road to success in life and learning would be a multi-disciplinary one.

首先,芒格从在场的父母家长身上引出他一直很崇拜的孔子关于“孝道”的思想,All my life I have admired Confucius. I like the idea of "filial piety," of ideas or values that are taught and duties that come naturally, that shouldbe passed onto the next generation. 

The sacrifices, and the wisdom, and the value transfer, that come from one generation to the next should always be appreciated.父母为子女付出了许多心血,把智慧和价值观传授给子女,他们应该永远受到尊敬。


1, the safest way to try to get what you want is to try to deserve what you want.


2, there's no love that's so right as admiration-based love, and such love should include the instructive dead.


3,the acquisition of wisdom is a moral duty.

lt requires that you're hooked on lifetime learning.

I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent. But they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were that morning.

获得智慧是一种道德责任,它不仅让生活变得更加美好。而且必须坚持终身学习。如果没有终身学习,大家将不会取得很高的成就。芒格举了他的好基友巴菲特为例,If you watched him with a time clock, you'd find that about half of his waking time is spent reading.(其实除了查理芒格、巴菲特这些功成名就大名鼎鼎的例子,最近网络上比较知名的大V们如李笑来、曹政、大玩家张磊等人,都是爱读书爱学习的好榜样啊!李笑来的有句签名就是“一生只有一个职业-----学生”)其中芒格提到一定要学会学习的方法,一句话总结就是“学习学习再学习”!而且要多实践,才能学以致用!

4,practicing a multi-disciplinary approach

Yotr have to learn many things in such a way that they're in a mental latticework in your head and your automatically use them the rest of your life.


5,If you turn problems around into reverse, you often think better.

inversion will help you solve problems that you can't otherwise handle.



avoid sloth and unreliability 懒惰和言而无信会让我们在生活中失败

avoid extremely intense ideology 极端强烈的意识形态会让人们丧失理智

avoid "self-serving bias" 这种“自我服务偏好”的心理因素也经常导致人们做傻事,比如透支收入。别以为对你们有利的就是对整个社会有利的,也别根据这种自我中心的潜意识倾向来为你们愚蠢或邪恶的行为辩解,那是一种可怕的思考方式。但如果你不能容忍别人在行动中表现出自我服务的偏好,那么你又是傻瓜。"lf you would persuade, appeal to interest, not to reason." The self-serving bias of man is extreme and should have been used in attaining the correct outcome.

avoid "envy, resentment, revenge and self-pity" 妒忌、怨恨、报复和自怜都是灾难性的思想状态。过度自怜可以让人近乎偏执。而偏执是最难逆转的东西之一。(这段话让我想起了鲁迅笔下祥林嫂的故事)

avoid being subjected to perverse incentives. 变态的激励机制具有控制人类认知和人类行为的强大力量,人们应该避免受它影响。Perverse associations are also to be avoided.要特别避免在你们不崇敬或不想像他一样的人手下干活。主张要在正确的仰慕的人手下工作,在生活中才能取得更令人满意的成就。

Engaging in routines that allow you to maintain objectivity are, of course, very helpful to cognition. And one also needs checklist routines.要保持客观公正的生活态度,并且要养成核对检查清单的习惯。

6,maximizing non-egality will often work wonders. 将不平等最大化通常能收到奇效。

I think the game of competitive life often requires maximizing the experience of the people who have the most aptitude and the most determination as learning machines. And if you want the very highest reaches of human achievement, that's where you have to go. 这段话再次让我想起了马太效应和二八原则。

7,In this world I think we have two kinds of knowledge: One is Planck knowledge, that of the people who really know. They've paid the dues, they have the aptitude. Then we've got chauffeur knowledge. 要努力成为拥有普朗克知识的人,避免成为拥有司机知识的人。要真正的理解、掌握知识,而不是看上去懂了。特别是不要不懂装懂。

8,intense interest in any subject is indispensable if you're really going to excel in it. 要想办法去做那些你有强烈兴趣的事情,你才会更出色!

9,have a lot of assiduity. 要勤奋!多做事!多干活!别偷懒!

10,life is very likely to provide terrible blows, unfair blows. Some people recover, and others don't. And there I think the attitude of Epictetus helps guide one to the right reaction. He thought that every mischance in life, however bad, created an opportunity to behave well. He believed every mischance provided an opportunity to learn something useful. And one's duty was not to become immersed in self-pity, but to utilize each terrible blow in a constructive fashion. 碰到难关,说不定柳暗花明又一村呢!把困难当做磨练、提高自己的机会——不要在自怨自艾中沉沦。

11,prudence as the servant of duty. 节俭是责任的仆人。要量入为出,深谋远虑,未雨绸缪。这样,当麻烦来临时就能早已做好准备!高筑墙 广积粮 缓称王!

12,complex bureaucratic procedure does not represent the highest reach. One higher form is a seamless, non-bureaucratic web of deserved trust. Not much fancy procedure, just totally reliable people correctly trusting one another. 

So never forget, when you're a lawyer, that while you may have to sell procedure, you don't always have to buy. ln your own life what you want to maximize is a seamless web of deserved trust.



"My sword I leave to him who can wield it." 



ethos  ['i.θɑs]  n.

1. (某团体或社会的)道德思想,道德观 the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a particular group or society

waggish  ['wæɡɪʃ]  adj.

1. 诙谐的;打趣的 funny, clever and not serious

encapsulate  [ɪn'kæpsjə.leɪt]  v.

1. 简述;概括;压缩 to express the most important parts of sth in a few words, a small space or a single object

paranoia  [.perə'nɔɪə]  n.

1. 偏执狂;妄想症 a mental illness in which a person may wrongly believe that other people are trying to harm them, that they are sb very important, etc.

perverse  [pər'vɜs]  adj.

1. 执拗的;任性的;不通情理的 showing deliberate determination to behave in a way that most people think is wrong, unacceptable or unreasonable

doggone  ['dɔɡ.ɡɔn]  adj.

1. (表示恼怒或惊讶)该死的,讨厌的,他妈的 used to show that you are annoyed or surprised

apocryphal  [ə'pɑkrəf(ə)l]  adj.

1. 流传甚广但不足为凭的;虚构的 well known, but probably not true

protagonist  [proʊ'tæɡənɪst]  n.

1. (戏剧、电影、书的)主要人物,主人公,主角 the main character in a play, film/movie or book

chauffeur  [ʃoʊ'fɜr]  n.

1. (尤指富人或要人的)司机 a person whose job is to drive a car, especially for sb rich or important

filial piety   孝道;孝顺

mumbo jumbo  

1. 繁琐严肃但无意义的语言(或仪式);繁文缛节;胡言乱语 language or a ceremony that seems complicated and important but is actually without real sense or meaning; nonsense

Ps: 一些碎碎念

一眨眼 2017年的三分之一就快结束了!






而且,也要学以致用,Do as Munger do!

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