

2019-10-31  本文已影响0人  丁丁水天

Lesson21 Mad or not?


Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day. The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then. Last year, however, it came into use. Over a hundred people must have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes I think this house will be knocked down by a passing plane. I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here. Everybody says I must be mad and they are probably right.




/ˈeərəpleɪnz/ /ɑː/ /ˈsləʊli/ /ˈdraɪvɪŋ/ /miː/ /mæd/./aɪ/ /lɪv/ /nɪər/ /ən/ /ˈeəpɔːt/ /ænd/ /ˈpɑːsɪŋ/ /pleɪnz/ /kæn/ /biː/ /hɜːd/ /naɪt/ /ænd/ /deɪ/./ði/ /ˈeəpɔːt/ /wɒz/ /bɪlt/ /jɪəz/ /əˈgəʊ/,/bʌt/ /fɔː/ /sʌm/ /ˈriːzn/ /ɪt/ /kʊd/ /nɒt/ /biː/ /juːst/ /ðɛn/./lɑːst/ /jɪə/, /haʊˈɛvə/, /ɪt/ /keɪm/ /ˈɪntuː/ /juːz/./ˈəʊvər/ /ə/ /ˈhʌndrəd/ /ˈpiːpl/ /mʌst/ /hæv/ /biːn/ /ˈdrɪvn/ /əˈweɪ/ /frɒm/ /ðeə/ /həʊmz/ /baɪ/ /ðə/ /nɔɪz/./aɪ/ /æm/ /wʌn/ /ɒv/ /ðə/ /fjuː/ /ˈpiːpl/ /lɛft/./ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ /aɪ/ /θɪŋk/ /ðɪs/ /haʊs/ /wɪl/ /biː/ /nɒkt/ /daʊn/ /baɪ/ /ə/ /ˈpɑːsɪŋ/ /pleɪn/./aɪ/ /hæv/ /biːn/ /ˈɒfəd/ /ə/ /lɑːʤ/ /sʌm/ /ɒv/ /ˈmʌni/ /tuː/ /gəʊ/ /əˈweɪ/, /bʌt/ /aɪ/ /æm/ /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ /tuː/ /steɪ/ /hɪə/./ˈɛvrɪbɒdi/ /sɛz/ /aɪ/ /mʌst/ /biː/ /mæd/ /ænd/ /ðeɪ/ /ɑː/ /ˈprɒbəbli/ /raɪt/.

(2) 学单词

1) mad adj. 疯狂的;猛烈的;着迷的

2) reason n. 原因;理由;理智;理性

3) sum n. 量

4) determined adj. 坚定的,下决心的

(3) 学音标/ɑː/

1) 嘴巴放松张大,上下牙齿全部张开,双唇呈圆形。

2) 舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿,舌后部稍抬高。

3) 震动声带,推出气流发出/ɑː/音。/ɑː/是个长元音,发音要稍长一些。

4) 练习单词

bar /bɑː/ n. 条

mark /mɑːk/ n. 标志

father /'fɑːðə/ n. 父亲

target /'tɑːgɪt/ n. 目标

bark /bɑːk/ n. 树皮

shark /ʃɑːk/ n. 鲨鱼

5) 课文中相关单词

are passing last

4. 练习感悟


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