Catching on From the Title
There are large group of contemporary books which confuse science and fiction,or fiction and oratory.
But we should follow some rules for better readring.
The first rule of reading requires us to be discriminating.
不同种类的书讲的内容不同,做的准备工作不同,读者读书的目的不同,for amusement or instruction 所以在阅读之前必须要知道阅读的书的种类。
You can't read books in the same way. All books have much in common.(knowledge)but they are also different, we must read them in a manner appropriate to their differences.
在阅读一本书之前,我们能够根据 “front matter” 大致的了解一下书的内容,The front matter consists of the title,subtitle,table of contents and preface. 所以说,即便是一本书还没有读完,当别人问你这本书讲的是关于什么内容的时候,“我还没有读完” 这句话不应该作为自己不知道的借口。
Title sometimes make the grouping of books essay. 但是有时候 title不会告诉你任何信息,只能依靠自己的理解去分类。
You must know what that kind is.
The major distinction is between theoretical and practical books.
theoretical means visionary or even mystical,practical means something that works something that has an immediate cash return.
Theoretic books teach you that something is the case.(the subdivision of theoretical books into history,science,philosophy)
Practical books teach you how to do something which you think you should.
Reading, follow rules and konw about literary knowledge.