Linux 安装:
First step: Install Anaconda:
1.Check your computer's configuration
2.Download Anaconda:[https://www.anaconda.com/download/](https://www.anaconda.com/download/)
3. Install anaconda. Double click on the downloaded program(Anaconda.exe) and click run button.
4. Click <Next> button.
5.click <I agree> button.
6.Click <Next> button.
7.Click <Next> button.
8.Click <Install> button.
9.Click <Next> button.
10. Click<Next>button.
11. Click<Finish>button.
Second step: Install labelme:
1.From the Start menu, click the Anaconda Navigator desktop app.
2. Input <conda create --name=labelme python=3.7>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard
3. Input <y>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard
4. Input <conda activate labelme>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard
5.Input <pip install labelme>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard
6. After the following information, means labelme installed successfully.
Third step: Use labelme
1. From the Start menu, click the Anaconda Navigator desktop app, like the one in the second step.
2. Input <conda activate labelme>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard, like the one in the second step.
3. Input < labelme>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard.
last step: Quit labelme
Input < deactivate labelme>, and then click the <Enter> button on keyboard.
Or turn off labelme from the button.