

2016-07-08  本文已影响121人  Dosen


这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。

Introduction      介绍

Origami is built on Quartz Composer, a graphics visualization application by Apple. This section will give you an introduction to its interface and the building blocks: patches and cables.

Origami是基于Quartz Composer,一个苹果的图形可视化应用程序。这章节将要向你介绍它的界面和组织结构:模块与连线。

1. Interface     界面

There are four main windows:


Editor     编辑器

Also known as the graph. The editor is where you define all the layers, interactions, and logic for your prototype, using blocks called "patches".


Viewer     查看器

The viewer is where you see and interact with your prototype. You can preview and interact with your prototypes on your device over USB with Origami Live.

这个查看器是你能看到原型并与原型互动的地方。你也可以用USB连接手机,使用Origami Live预览并与你的原型进行交互。

Patch Inspector  ⌘ i ”      模块检查器

The inspector lets you change parameters for a selected patch. You can also use the docked Parameters view (accessible from the toolbar). The inspector contains three modes you can toggle with the dropdown at the top: Input Parameters “ ⌘ 1  , Settings “ ⌘ 2 ” , and Published Inputs & Outputs “ ⌘ 3 ” .

检查器让你为选择的模块更改参数,你也可以使用停靠的参数视图(可以通过工具栏打开)。检查器包涵三个通过拉下切换的模式:输入参数 “ ⌘ 1 ” ,设置 “ ⌘ 2 ” ,发布的输入和输出 “ ⌘ 3 ” .


Patch Library  “ ⌘ ⏎ ”      模块库

The Library is where you can find and add patches. You can add patches even faster using the Origami keyboard shortcuts.


A good way to organize your windows is Window > Resize to Thirds “ ⌘ ⌥ ⌃ 0   to dock your Editor to the left and Viewer to the right, and only bring up the Inspector/Library when you need them.

一个组织视图的好方法是Window > Resize to Thirds “ ⌘ ⌥ ⌃ 0 ”来固定你的编辑器在左边,查看器在右边,在你需要的时候再打开Inspector/Library。

2. Patches      模块

Patches are the building blocks of Origami. They are used to capture interactions, compute logic, and draw to the viewer. Patches can talk to other patches using cables attached to their ports. You can add patches from the Patch Library “ ⌘ ⏎ ” .

模块是Origami的组织结构。他们常用于捕捉交互,逻辑运算,往查看器上绘制。在模块的接口上连线可以传递数据。你可以从模块库“ ⌘ ⏎ ”中添加模块。

Patch types:


Black (Processor) patches take inputs and process them to create various outputs.


Purple (Provider) patches are similar to processors, but typically provide interactions (e.g. Interaction 2, Swipe, Keyboard...) from the viewer.

紫色(素材)模块和processors相似,不同的是,它提供查看器中典型的交互组件(例如:Interaction 2,Swipe, Keyboard...)

Blue (Consumer) patches are what's displayed in the viewer.


Patches must be connected to a Consumer (like a Layer) to work. This helps optimize the performance of your prototype.


3. Ports      接口

Ports allow patches to take information in and send new information out. The ports on the left side of a patch are inputs, and the ones on the right are outputs. You can edit Inputs with the Patch Inspector  “ ⌘ i ” or double-clicking the port.


Each port has a different type of information it can take — the important types of values used in Origami are:


Number: Any number, with decimals


Boolean: Also known as On/Off, and represented with a checkmark. Can be turned into a Number with 0 being Off and 1 being On.


String: Also known as text.


Image: Any image that you drag, paste, or create.


Color: Any color.


Index: Any non-negative, round numbers. i.e. 0, 1, 2,...

索引:任意非负数,循环数字,例如:0, 1, 2,...

Structure: Stores any number of values within, labeled by indexes or keys (see Structure Creator). Similar to an Object/Dictionary in programming.


Interaction: Ties patches together for interactions. Mostly used in Interaction 2 and Layer patches, and displayed unlabeled in the top right/left respectively.

交互:为交互把模块连接在一起。大多数用在Interaction 2和Layer模块,显示分布在在顶部左侧/右侧没有标记的。


4. Cables      连线

Cables pass information (values) from patch to patch via their ports. Think of values like water and electricity, and cables as the pipes and cables that move them from place to place. The values flow in one direction: left-to-right from an Output to an Input.


To create a cable, drag from an output port (on the right of a patch) to an Input port (on the left of a patch). To disconnect a cable, drag the rightmost end out of the Input port.


An Output may have multiple cables connected, but an Input can only accept one cable at a time. Use patches like Math, Logic, Transition, or Multiplexer to combine or select from multiple cables. To quickly connect an output to multiple inputs, drag from the output and hold “  ”  while clicking on the inputs.


Note that an Input port can either have a cable connected to it, or a value that you manually enter in.


5. Connecting them together      把它们连接在一起

An example of a typical setup of patches is shown below, where 3 different patches pass values to each other with cables through their ports in order to create an Interaction that Switches a Layer on and off.


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