Modern, advanced, up to date & s

2023-10-18  本文已影响0人  游文影月志

These words all describe something that uses the most recent technology or methods. The illustration below shows the degree of advancement expressed by these words:

modern ➔ up to date ➔ state of the art


using the most recent technology, methods, designs or materials

It is the most modern, well-equipped hospital in the country.


using the most recent technology, methods or designs

Even in advanced industrial societies, poverty persists.

Modern or advanced?

In many cases you can use either word.

  • modern / advanced technology 先进的技术
  • modern / advanced techniques 先进的技艺
  • modern / advanced designs 先进的设计
  • a modern / an advanced society 现代化的社会
  • a modern / an advanced economy 现代化的经济体
  • a modern / an advanced civilization 现代化的文明
  • a modern / an advanced nation 现代化的国家

Advanced is used especially in the contexts of technology and economics: an advanced society is one with a complicated economic structure and that relies heavily on technology.

The term modern society is used to discuss the way we live now in a more general way, including social relations and culture. Modern can also be used to describe art, fashion and ideas.

Up to date = up-to-date

(of equipment, technology or methods) the most advanced

We need to spend at least half a million on getting the most up-to-date equipment.

State of the art = state-of-the-art

(of equipment, technology or methods) absolutely the most advanced; as good as it can be at the present time

He spent thousands on a state-of-the-art sound system.


