Day25 Ivankanomics and the art o

2017-05-04  本文已影响0人  虎跳霞


is imbued with life-enhancing qualities 充满提升的生活品质

outstrip the rate/demand = exceed 超越

launch a label into marketplace/ launch a campaign

introduce (a new product or publication) to the public for the first time推出(新产品, 出版物):two new Ford models are to be launched in the US next year.福特明年将在美国推出两款新车。

surge/skyrocket 急剧上升

woes/ills befall the brand 不幸降临到这个品牌

ascend to power 掌权

(ascend to) rise to (an important position or a higher level)上升到(重要职位, 更高级别):some executives ascend to top-level positions.有一些管理人员升到了最高层。

in the wake of 在...之后

take on the whiff of toxicity 携带毒气

bar…from sale 禁止销售

show an intense passion for 表现出强烈的热情

violate federal laws 违反联邦法律

it transpires:

 [with clause](一般作it transpires)(of a secret or something unknown) come to be known; be revealed 为人所知

it transpired that Mark had been baptized a Catholic.


part with the cost of 10,000… 花钱

放弃  He is willing to part with his right to vote.他愿意放弃选举权。

花掉;卖掉(尤指贱卖)  He hated to part with his money.他最不愿花钱。

In order to raise money she had to part with some of her jewels.为了筹款,她只好卖掉一些首饰。


unofficial political aide  非官方政治助手

primetime 黄金时段

fine-jewellery collection 珠宝收藏

a permanent injunction 永久禁制令

brand's inventory 品牌存货

second-hand resale 二手转售

chic 优雅时髦的

big-ticket items 开销大的物品

highest echelons  of luxury 奢侈品最高等级

broad market 广阔的市场

aspire/aspiration/aspirational 渴望,志向/有志向的

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