
L5-U3-P1 Analysis words 分析用语

2019-10-17  本文已影响0人  Darren321

Acquaintance, somebody known or met before.熟人,某人以前认识或遇见过

I’m contacting several of my acquaintances to see if they know any of the job opportunities.我联系了我的几个熟人看看是否他们知道任何工作的机会

I don’t know him well but he is an acquaintance of mine from a long time ago.我跟他不是很熟,但他是我的很长时间以前的一个熟人

He says he is an acquaintance of yours, so I’d like you to tell me if you know him.他说他是你的熟人,因此我想要你告诉我你是否认识他

He says he’s an acquaintance of mine, but I don’t remember him.他说他是我的一个熟人但是我不记得他了

Appearance, how something looks, what something looks like.外观外貌,什么东西看起来怎么样

He could improve his appearance by buying some new clothes.他能通过买一些新衣服改善他的外观

He doesn’t care about his appearance so he doesn’t make a good impression.他不在意他的外貌所以他没有留下好的印象

Their manager thinks appearance is important so he wants everyone to dress appropriately.他们的经理认为外貌是重要的,因此他想大家穿着适当

We could tell from his appearance that he wasn’t feeling well.从他的外貌我能说他感觉不是很好

Consequence, an outcome or result.结果,一个结果

Many forms of life will become extinct as a consequence of global warming.由于全球变暖结果,许多生命形式将灭绝

One consequence of his drinking has been the poor quality of his work.他喝酒的后果之一是他的工作质量差

We are all suffering from the consequences of his reckless investments.我么都遭受他的鲁莽投资的后果

I’m not sure he understands the consequences of his arrogant attitude.我不确定他理解他的傲慢态度的后果

He will have to deal with the consequences of his rude behavior.他将不得不处理他粗鲁行为的后果

Factor, something that affects or influences the end of result.因素,影响结果的事

One factor that need to be considered is his arrogant personality.需要考虑的一个因素是他傲慢的个性

Her health is one factor we can’t afford to ignore.她的健康是我们不能忽视的一个因素

Her beauty wasn’t a factor in his decision to hire her, or was it?他的美貌不是决定雇佣她的一个因素,对吗?

An important factor in their decision not to invest was the lack of good leadership.他们决定不投资的一个重要因素是缺乏良好领导力

Exception, to be unique or treat it differently.例外,独特的 货 不同方式对待

Everyone has to be in the office before 9:00 with exception of the sales department.9点前每个人都要到办公室,除了销售部门

I’m sorry but I can’t make an exception and allow you to bring your dog to the office.对不起,但我不能破例允许你带狗进入办公室

Without exception, I’d like to congratulate everyone for their outstanding work.没有例外,我要恭喜每个人的杰出的工作

There will be no exceptions to the rule that all employees must treat each other with respect. 所有员工必须互相尊重对待这个规则没有例外

Without exception, I expect everyone to work through the weekend 没有例外我期望每个人工作到周末


