6月晨读 Day 5
Day 4
语调: Do they know how tough that is? 上扬
I know we can do it (know:平调)
if we have time (平 轻)
语音: work our tails off (重音)
meeting 【d】【ee 元音长度; eating】
at the end of [the end 加一个j]
out of = outta
call it quits= callit
take a crack at it [元音长度,kadit 弱弱带过]
Day 5
push the envelope = stretch the boundaries
pull sth off = accomplish a difficult task
挺过来= pull off = manage
推卸责任: pass the buck/ wash one's hands of
指责:point fingers at each other/point the finger at sb =blame
替罪羊:pass the buck = scapegoat, whipping boy
pitch in= to help/ contribute
份内之事 all in a day's work = this is just part of the job
一掷千金、斥巨资: shell out 【花费;挥霍 fork out , cough out, splurge, blow 】
劝说某人做/不做某事:talk sb into/out doing/ sth= persuade sb into doing sth // dissuade sb from doing sth
你做梦呢!dream on (on 比较继续、持续的状态, read on 继续读)
track sth down= to find, usually with difficulty
三缺一 one player shy; we are short by 1 player (be short by/ shy of )
不是什么大问题:no big deal (It's not a problem)
dot your i's and cross your t's= to be very careful; pay attention to details(mind you p's and q's 注意言行举止 礼貌)
pull an all-nighter= burn the midnight oil
全天营业 around the clock restaurant
犯错,把事情搞砸了 drop the ball (make a mistake, do sth poorly)
表现不佳: but your work lately hasn't been up to scratch; you are asleep on the wheel(not up to scratch)
I thought they were fake, but I let Ellen talk me into buying them.
Our wood supplier must've made a mistake. I could've sworn that I ordered the right amount. (I really thought that...)
You shouldn‘t be making careless mistakes like this.