20180126-chapter6-读书笔记 -

2018-01-26  本文已影响0人  糖果_abc7

1. Q&A

1. Why "we r wrong about Everything"?

Because there is no correct dogma or perfect ideology. Everyone has differing needs and personal history and life circumstances, leading to differing answers about what lives mean and how they should be lived.

2. What caused false memory syndrome?

It is caused by our brains' ability to invent false memory to link our present experiences with that imagined past, in order to mantain our already established value.

3. Tell us a story where u had adamantly thought u were right, but later u found u were wrong.

One of my fomer roomates is very sloppy and always forgets to bring the room key with her. One day she left the key at dorm again, but she wanted to go back to the dorm to fetch her book. I was with her in a classroom at the moment and lent her my key. The next day, I found my key missing when I was on my way back to dorm. I rummaged through my backpack, no sign of my key. Then it suddenly occurred to me that she borrowed my key and didn't return it. Annoyed, I called her, asking her to give my key back so i could get in the dorm. She insisted she had given it back but couldn't remember where she put it. As u can imagine, i also insisted that she hadn't and gave her a piece of my mind. I guess u arleady know the end of this story. It was not until several days later when i sorted out my drawer that I saw my key lying right there. Some memory began to flash back. She did give it back and put it on my desk when I was on the phone. For no reason, I picked it up and threw it into my drawer. Maybe I was a little out of my mind and too engaged in my conversation. In hindsight, I can see how self-righteous I was. I firmly believed that she was sloppy. And that thought was deeply rooted in my mind and prompted me to be oblivious of what really happened. What we perceive to be can really blind our eyes and mesh our memory. Better not to trust myself next time.

4. How to be a little less certain of yourself? please include a personal example.

You should ask yourself three questions. What if I'm wrong? What would it mean if I were wrong? Would being wrong create a better or a worse problem than my current problem, for both myself and others? Take the above story as an example. I'm wrong in that I was mistaken about my roomate. It means that she is not always sloppy as i thought and also reveals that i have some bad values. I'm self-righteous and narcissistic and always believe that I'm right. Having realized i'm wrong, I mistrust my ability to judge others. I try to refrain from labeling others and saying sth only based on my own ideas. Although it is no easy process, it does create better problems for me and others.

2. 感悟

Growth is an endlessly iterative process.

We are always in the process of approaching truth and perfection without actually ever reaching truth or perfection.


Questioning ourselves and doubting our own thoughts and beliefs is one of the hardest skills to develop.

质疑自己,怀疑自己的想法和信仰是人们最难学会的技能之一。对我来说,质疑自己真的好难,经常毫无意识得选择相信自己的想法呀,直觉呀,做了很多的蠢事。非要经过一些painful experience才能意识到这些,才能逼着自己慢慢改。说到底就是总感觉自己是对的,把right当做自己的value.这是一个糟糕的价值,是我没有掌控力的,无法提高自我的价值。

3. Words&Phrases

we should seek to chip away at the ways that we r wrong today so that we can be a little less wrong tomorrow.

get rid of, reduce sth gradually

to chip away at a problem/a marble

and people doing cartwheels thinking that what they r doing is giving them points.

侧身翻筋斗。put your hands on the ground and swing your legs over and return to a standing position.

many women accused male family members of sexual abuse only to turn around and recant years later.

publicly announce that u give up a previous belief.

that sweet gift she gave us last Christmas is now remembered as patronizing and condescending.

to describe sb who behaves like he is superior to others.

patronize sb

condescend to sb


