1 Time subscribe 时代周刊订阅 subscriber =user
2 Legal age to buy Tobacco Products officially raised to 21 法定年龄,提高到21岁,Tobacco,Camel,烟草制品,camera,digital camera ,FBI 美国联邦调查局,搜家,child porn 儿童色情图片;buy = purchase 同义替换;Federal legal age to buy tobacco=Federal age for purchase tobacco ;
3 federal 联邦政府
4 Standford University
5 package 计划,spending package 支出计划,on top of =in addition to= apart from =aside from
6 it 形式主语,a violation of Federal Law
7 mandated the legal age 强制,强行,有时候也可以指代授权;
8 electronic =electric ,add regulation to industry ,增加监管;live streaming industry 直播行业;spot ,former husband = EX-husband;
9 luxury car ,underrated 被低估的(考研出过),made the cut 上榜了,达到了要求;
10 automakers ,car maker concept car ;throat-clearing 清嗓子式的,大众惊讶的;prototype ;era = age 时代,digital era ,age,电子时代;High achievers read ——a lot(破折号强调,副词) ;
11 unveil 推出,揭示,launch= roll out =introduce =release ;
12 sports cars 跑车;modified 改装的;genetically modified crops 基因改良产品;hypercar 超跑;pickup truck 皮卡车;Porsche SUV 保时捷;put foot in 涉足;ring with 通过,凭借.....;Geely 吉利;range—dominating 续航里程统治级别的;
13 luxury brand 奢华品牌;cure-all 万能药;debut 首次亮相, delay its debut ;recalls 召回 ;