

2019-03-31  本文已影响10人  青澄青果


Imperialism is an unduly neglected feature of American history

  Pointillist Power


【经济学人】 March, 2019



THE UNITED STATES was born out of rebellion against imperial power. Yet it then amassed more of an empire than is commonly realised, including by Americans. Indeed the country's history, according to Daniel Immerwahr's lively new book, is a history of empire.



Grasping that history means looking beyond today's "logo map" of America, as Mr Immerwahr, a historian at Northwestern University,calls the country's core. His focus is on the wider lands that have come under its control:the Great United States.



This history is a drama in three acts. The first describes the amassing of "logo" America through westward expansion and the displacement of Native Americans. The story of the land-hungry country's manifest destiny is well known but well told by Mr Immerwahr.

这部历史剧分三部曲。 第一部讲述了美国如何通过西扩和驱逐印第安原住民聚集了大片领土形成了其本土部分。这段土地劫掠的故事昭然若揭、路人皆知,不过伊默瓦尔却讲得生动有趣。


Next, in act two,comes the annexing of other territories. In the 19th century a craze for guano for use as fertilizer leads to the occupation of dozens of uninhabited islands in the Caribbean and Pacific. Alaska is purchased. Military victories bring in the norther part of Mexico and then Spain's overseas empire, including the Philippines, Puerto Rico, thousands of islands and 8.5 m people, though at great cost.



And then, in act three, something remarkable happens: America gives up territory. Why the retreat? Projecting power no longer requires going to the trouble of holding large amounts of land, often against the will of the local population. Instead, globalization replaces colonization. Thanks to aviation, logistical mastery and other world-shrinking innovations, America can substitute technology for territory.

接着第三部曲发生了引人注目的变化:美国开始放弃海外领土了。干嘛要撤呢? 第一是因为美国已经预估到无需掌握大片领土就可以实现控制权,控制领土反而常常带来与当地居民的敌对。第二,全球化趋势已经取代了殖民地化。当然也归功于航空业及物流业的发展,还有其他新的发明,使得全球交往越来越便利,美国才得以以技术上的控制取代了领土的控制。


Not that holding territory is wholly irrelevant, even now. The superpower has roughly 800 overseas bases; in Mr Immerwahr's vivid formulation, its empire is now a "pointillist" one. The United States did not abandon empire, but "reshuffled its imperial portfolio, divesting itself of large colonies and investing in military bases, tiny specks of semi-sovereignty strewn around the globe".



