
Take the initiative

2019-10-23  本文已影响0人  紫罗兰Shirley

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; ---2Peter1:5

“to add” means to take action. We often have a crisis of forgetting that we can’t do what God does, and that God won’t do what we can for us. We can’t save ourselves, and we can’t sanctify ourselves, only God can do that. God does not give us habits and character to do right; we must do it by ourselves. What God has accomplished in us, we must do outside. “to add” means to get into the habit of doing it, which is not easy at first.

When you know the way ahead, don’t ask for directions. Determined to forge ahead, don’t hesitate to take the first step! Follow God’s word with determination and act in faith; If you make a decision, you’ll never regret it. If you hesitate to obey God’s commands, it will harm your progress in grace. To take action, go at once upon your will, so that there is no turning back. To burn the plank behind you— “I must write this letter; I must pay the debt. Make it inevitable.”

Let us get into the habit of obeying God in everything, of seeking his will. When we must choose, we know to rely on God instinctively. Then the habit is formed. We must take the initiative in the position we are currently in, and not just dream.

Dear God, gather my strength to serve you, keep my energy from being wasted, and heal all my ills with your perfect health. May you come to this temple of the flesh and make it shine as brightly as it can.

Take the initiative
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