
2022-03-05  本文已影响0人  孤鹤横江

G: Who else is going to be there?

H: I'm inviting1 you, my sister, and several friends from work and school.

G: Your sister? She is such a party animal. She parties really hard.

H: Yeah. So you needn't worry sitting there by yourself.

G: Exactly! I really hate to be a wallflower again. It's so awkward2!

H: Believe me, it won't happen.

去别人家参加聚会可以事先问一下相关信息,例如有哪些人会参加,需要做何准备等等。对话中使用的party animal特指那些“聚会狂”,逢场必到。而wallflower可译为“壁花”,指那些在社交场合因羞涩而受冷落的人。

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