「每日跟读」句型公式 第1篇

2024-04-01  本文已影响0人  IT小瓯

「每日跟读」句型公式 第1篇

1. I’m a _

"I'm a ___" is a common English sentence structure used to describe one's identity, occupation, characteristic, or state. The blank is typically filled with a noun or adjective to express a particular attribute or trait of the individual. This sentence structure is concise and straightforward, often employed in self-introductions or when describing personal circumstances.


2. I’m good at _____

"I'm good at _____" is a sentence structure used to express one's proficiency or expertise in a specific area or skill. The blank is filled with a noun or verb-ing phrase to indicate the activity or task at which the speaker excels.


Tips: I’m good at cooking Chinese food 也可以简化成 I’m good at cooking Chinese ,是一样的意思。

3. I’m getting_____

"I'm getting _____" is a sentence structure that is often used to describe a process or a developing situation in one's life. The blank can be filled with adjectives, nouns, or verb-ing phrases to express what is happening or being achieved.


Tips:美国人说 “drink” 一般是指酒。

4. I want to(wanna)____

"I want to (wanna) _____" is a sentence structure used to express a desire or wish to do something. The blank can be filled with a verb or verb phrase to indicate the action or activity that the speaker wants to undertake.


5. I need to_____

"I need to _____" is a sentence structure used to express a necessity or a requirement in one's life or work. The blank is filled with a verb phrase to indicate the action or task that the speaker needs to perform.


6. I’m gonna (going to) _____

"I'm gonna (going to) _____" is a casual way to express future plans or intentions. The blank can be filled with a verb phrase that describes what the speaker plans to do or achieve.


7. I’m not used to _____

"I'm not used to _____" is a sentence structure that expresses discomfort or unfamiliarity with a certain situation, habit, or activity. The blank is filled with a noun or verb-ing phrase to describe what the speaker is not accustomed to.


Tips:接名词或者动名词 “ing”,不要死记硬背,多读多说,靠语感去积累。

8. I’m not sure if he_____

"I'm not sure if he _____" is a sentence structure used to express uncertainty about someone's actions, decisions, or state of being. The blank is filled with a verb or verb phrase to describe what the speaker is unsure about regarding the other person.


I’m not sure if I _

I’m not sure if they _


resume 简历,词源是法语

resume 开始,词源是英语


9. I’m looking forward to _

"I'm looking forward to _____" is a sentence structure used to express one's anticipation or excitement about a future event or experience. The blank is filled with a noun, verb-ing phrase, or activity to indicate what the speaker is eagerly anticipating.


Tips:接名词或者动名词 “ing”,不要死记硬背,多读多说,靠语感去积累。

10. I’m working on _____

"I’m working on _____" is a sentence structure used to indicate that the speaker is currently engaged in a specific task or activity. The blank is filled with a noun or verb-ing phrase to specify the subject or area of focus.



