一旦你开始工作了, 就相当于开启了闯关游戏的大门。 遇到问题、面对问题, 并且要学会处理问题, 否则, 你就会被别人打死, 要从头再来。
Once you start to work,
you have opened the door of the game.
When facing problems,
you need to tackle them,
otherwise, you will be beaten to death,
and start from scratch again.
你来工作是来赚钱的, 不是来交朋友的, 如果能交到朋友那是惊喜, 交不到朋友那才是正常的
You are here to make money, no to make friends.
If you can make some friends, that’s a surprise;
if you can’t make any friends, that’s normal.
现在做到韬光养晦很重要, 做好自己的业绩, 任人评说, 你自己的业绩做好了, 自然会有人来成为你的合伙人
It’s important to keep a low profile right now.
All you need to do is to improve your performance
regardless of others’comments.
If your performance improves,
your partners will naturally come to your side.
在职场中, 上司警告下属 不要因为办公室恋情而影响工作: 人与人之间, 在同一时间同一件事情上, 只能保留一种关系, 否则就会感情用事。
In the workplace,
superiors often warn subordinates not to
affect their work due to office romance
because they know
people can only maintain one relationship
during one period, at one occasion,
otherwise, we would act impetuously.
你要去找到你的同伴, 同伴你可以信任他, 但是不能依赖他, 因为你的同伴很有可能会先被调离或者跳槽。
You can trust the partner you find in your work,
but you can’t rely on him/her
because your partner may be dismissed or job hop earlier than you.
拿人钱财,与人消灾嘛, 我们要时刻心系客户, 体验他们的悲观和快乐情绪, 并且与他们站在同一条战线上。
If you take your clients' money,
you should help eliminate their ill fortune
and sympathize with them,
trying to feel their happiness and pessimism,
and stand side by side with them.
不要去做客户没有要求你去做的事情, 不要给客户免费的午餐。
Don't do what your clients
haven't required you to do.
Don't offer them free launch.
每一个买过东西的客户, 你都要记住他们的特点喜好, 留下电话和电子邮箱, 然后根据他们的特点给予他们精确的咨询, 而不是无差别的群发对待。
You need to remember
every client's hobbies and features,
their mobile phone numbers and email addresses,
and then offer them accurate consultancy advices
rather than uniform answers.
你有没有想过, 所有的技术层面你都考虑到了, 那他们为什么不照着去做呢? 因为人,你记住,所有咨询的问题, 说到底,就是人的问题, 想一想这整个项目链条上的人, 你动了谁的奶酪,问题就出在谁的身上。
Have you ever thought
why your clients aren't willing to follow your instruction
after all technical factors have been taken into consideration?
The key lies in human factors.
You shall remember that all consultancy problems boil down to human factors.
Think about all the people involved in the case!
Think twice whose cheese you have moved,
then you will find problems
probably derive from that person.
我们不是天使, 我们唯一感兴趣的就是他们的钱包。
We are not angels.
All interests us is our clients' purses.
Trade is trade,
friendship is friendship.