Day21 Pilgrims through this barr
N-COUNT Pilgrims are people who journey to a holy place for a religious reason. 朝圣者
This is where pilgrims to the abbey would pay their first devotions.
①ADJ A barren landscape is dry and bare, and has very few plants and no trees. 荒芜的
...the Tibetan landscape of high barren mountains.
②ADJ Barren land consists of soil that is so poor that plants cannot grow in it. 贫瘠的
He wants to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.
③ADJ If you describe something such as an activity or a period of your life as barren, you mean that you achieve no success during it or that it has no useful results. 无成就的; 不成功的 empty exercise barren of utility.
④ADJ If you describe a room or a place as barren, you do not like it because it has almost no furniture or other objects in it. 空荡荡的
The room was austere, nearly barren of furniture or decoration.
N-SING If there is a resurgence of an attitude or activity, it reappears and grows. 复苏
Police say drugs traffickers are behind the resurgence of violence.
①N-COUNT Something that is an impediment to a person or thing makes their movement, development, or progress difficult. 妨碍; 障碍物
He was satisfied that there was no legal impediment to the marriage.
②N-COUNT Someone who has a speech impediment has a disability that makes speaking difficult. (言语) 障碍
John's slight speech impediment made it difficult for his mother to understand him.
5、entwine /ɪnˈtwaɪn/
①V-RECIP If one thing is entwined with another thing, or if you entwine two things, the two things are twisted around each other. (使)缠绕
His dazed eyes stare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.
Facing each other, the giraffes entwine their necks in the most astonishing manner.
He entwined his fingers with hers.
...with silk ribbons and flowers entwined in their hair.
②V-T/V-I If two things entwine or are entwined, they closely resemble or are linked to each other, and they are difficult to separate or identify. (使)纠缠; (使)紧密结合
The book entwines the personal and the political to chart the history of four generations of the family.
Once, years ago, he told me our lives should entwine.
③ADJ...before media manipulation became entwined with management.
①V-T/V-I If rock or soil erodes or is eroded by the weather, sea, or wind, it cracks and breaks so that it is gradually destroyed. 侵蚀
The storm washed away buildings and roads and eroded beaches.
②V-T/V-I If someone's authority, right, or confidence erodes or is eroded, it is gradually destroyed or removed. 削弱
His critics say his fumbling on the issue of reform has eroded his authority.
③V-T/V-I If the value of something erodes or is eroded by something such as inflation or age, its value decreases. 降低
Competition in the financial marketplace has eroded profits.
①V-I When the tide or the sea ebbs, its level gradually falls. 退潮
When the tide ebbs, you can paddle out for a mile and barely get your ankles wet.
②N-COUNT Theebb or the ebb tide is one of the regular periods, usually two per day, when the sea gradually falls to a lower level as the tide moves away from the land. 退潮
...the spring ebb tide. …春季的退潮。
③V-I If someone's life, support, or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears. 衰退
Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?
①ADJ Someone who is corrupt behaves in a way that is morally wrong, especially by doing dishonest or illegal things in return for money or power. 腐败的 save the nation from corrupt politicians of both parties.
②V-T/V-I If someone is corrupted by something, it causes them to become dishonest and unjust and unable to be trusted. 使…腐化; 腐化
It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.
Power tends to corrupt.
③V-T To corrupt someone means to cause them to stop caring about moral standards. 使…堕落
...warning that television will corrupt us all.
①ADJ A brutal act or person is cruel and violent. 残暴的
He was the victim of a very brutal murder.
...the brutal suppression of anti-government protests.
②ADV 残暴地
Her real parents had been brutally murdered.
③ADJ If someone expresses something unpleasant with brutal honesty or frankness, they express it in a clear and accurate way, without attempting to disguise its unpleasantness. 不留情面的 (诚实、直白)
It was refreshing to talk about themselves and their feelings with brutal honesty.
④ADV 不留情面地
The talks had been brutally frank.
10、poll /pəʊl/
①N-COUNT A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future. 民意测验
Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark.
We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined.
②→see also opinion poll
③V-T If you are polled on something, you are asked what you think about it as part of a survey. 对…进行民意测验
More than 18,000 people were polled.
Audiences were going to be polled on which of three pieces of contemporary music they liked best.
④N-PLURAL The polls means an election for a country's government, or the place where people go to vote in an election. 政治大选; 投票地点
Incumbent officeholders are difficult to defeat at the polls.
Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president.
⑤V-T If a political party or a candidate polls a particular number or percentage of votes, they get that number or percentage of votes in an election. 获得…选票
The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot.
11、thrusting /ˈθrʌstɪŋ/
ADJ ambitious and having great drive 雄心壮志的
a thrusting young executive
①V-T/V-I When something rattles or when you rattle it, it makes short, sharp, knocking sounds because it is being shaken or it keeps hitting against something hard. 使发出嘎嘎声; 发出嘎嘎声
She slams the kitchen door so hard I hear dishes rattle.
②N-COUNT Rattle is also a noun. 嘎嘎声
There was a rattle of rifle fire.
③N-COUNT A rattle is a baby's toy with small, loose objects inside which make a noise when the baby shakes it. 拨浪鼓
④V-T If something or someone rattles you, they make you nervous. 使紧张
Officials are not normally rattled by any reporter's question.
⑤ADJ 紧张的
He swore in Spanish, an indication that he was rattled.
⑥V to fit (a vessel or its rigging) with ratlines 给(船或其桅索)扎梯绳
①N-COUNT Theimplicationsof something are the things that are likely to happen as a result. 可能的结果
The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.
②N-COUNT Theimplication of a statement, event, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the case. 含意
The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.
③PHRASE If you say that something is the case by implication, you mean that a statement, event, or situation implies that it is the case. 言下之意; 暗示地
Now his authority and, by implication, that of the whole management team are under threat as never before.
①V-I If several things meld, or if something melds them, they combine or blend in a pleasant or useful way. (使)融合; 融合
She sang the first verse again, listening to the way the words melded with the music.
Leave for 30 minutes for the flavours to meld.
②V-I If several things meld into another thing, or if they are melded into another thing, they combine and become the other thing. 融合为
The white smoke and cannon's glare melded into a smear of horror before his eyes.
The second major change at McCormick Place was that two unions were melded into one group.
③N-COUNT A meld of things is a mixture or combination of them that is useful or pleasant. (有益或愉快的)混合
...a perfect meld of art and social comment.
①V-T If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value. 嘲笑
Critics derided the move as too little, too late.
①V-I If you delve into something, you try to discover new information about it. 探索
Tormented by her ignorance, Jenny delves into her mother's past.
17、panorama /ˌpænəˈrɑːmə, -ˈræmə/
①N-COUNT A panorama is a view in which you can see a long way over a wide area of land, usually because you are on high ground. 全景; 远景
Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.
②N-COUNT A panorama is a broad view of a state of affairs or of a constantly changing series of events. 概述; 全貌
The play presents a panorama of the history of communism.
①ADJ In a top-down organization, all the important decisions are made by the most senior people in the organization. 自上而下的
...the traditional top-down authoritarian company.
He complains that the underlying approach is top-down and involves the government dictating the rules.
①V-T If you co-opt someone, you persuade them to help or support you. 团结
Mr. Wallace tries to co-opt rather than defeat his critics.
②V-T If someone is co-opted into a group, they are asked by that group to become a member, rather than joining or being elected in the normal way. 指派
He was co-opted into the Labour Government of 1964.
He's been authorised to co-opt anyone he wants to join him.
③V-T If a group or political party co-opts a slogan or policy, they take it, often from another group or political party, and use it themselves. 借鉴
He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.
①ADJ If one thing is inseparable from another, the things are so closely connected that they cannot be considered separately. 分不开的
He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.
②ADV 分不开地
In his mind, religion and politics were inseparably intertwined.
③ADJ If you say that two people are inseparable, you are emphasizing that they are very good friends and spend a lot of time together. 形影不离的强调
She and Kristin were inseparable.
N-COUNT A truce is an agreement between two people or groups of people to stop fighting or arguing for a short time. 停战协议
The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.
①V-RECIP If one thing coexists with another, they exist together at the same time or in the same place. You can also say that two things coexist. 共存
Newspaper Web sites can coexist with the newspapers and still bring in healthy profit margins.
The different cultures had coexisted peacefully for many years.
N-UNCOUNT Activism is the process of campaigning in public or working for an organization in order to bring about political or social change. 行动主义
①N-COUNT A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service. 布道; 讲道
Cardinal Murphy will deliver the sermon on Sunday.
25、Jerusalem /dʒəˈruːsələm/
①N Heaven 耶路撒冷
②N any ideal city 任何理想的城市
26、protagonist /prəʊˈtæɡənɪst/
①N-COUNT Someone who is a protagonist of an idea or movement is a supporter of it. 倡导者; 拥护者
...the main protagonists of their countries' integration into the world market.
②N-COUNT A protagonist in a play, novel, or real event is one of the main people in it. (戏剧、小说或真实事件里的) 主人公
...the protagonist of J. D. Salinger's novel "The Catcher in the Rye."
①QUANT A lot of something or lots of it is a large amount of it. A lot of people or things, or lots of them, is a large number of them. 大量
A lot of our land is used to grow crops for export.
He drank lots of milk.
②PRON Lot is also a pronoun. 大量
I personally prefer to be in a town where there's lots going on.
I learned a lot from him about how to run a band.
③ADV A lot means to a great extent or degree. 非常
Matthew's out quite a lot doing his research.
I like you, a lot.
④ADV If you do something a lot, you do it often or for a long time. 频繁地; 长期地
They went out a lot, to restaurants and bars.
⑤N-COUNT You can use lot to refer to a set or group of things or people. 一组
He bought two lots of 1,000 shares in the company during August and September.
⑥N-SING You can refer to a specific group of people as a particular lot. 一群人
Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot.
⑦N-SING You can use the lot to refer to the whole of an amount that you have just mentioned. 全部; 全体
This may turn out to be the best football game of the lot.
⑧N-SING Your lot is the kind of life you have or the things that you have or experience. 命运
She tried to accept her marriage as her lot in life but could not.
⑨N-COUNT A lot is a small area of land that belongs to a person or company. (个人或公司的) 一小块地
If oil or gold are discovered under your lot, you can sell the mineral rights.
①⓪N-COUNT A lot in an auction is one of the objects or groups of objects that are being sold. 拍卖物
The receivers are keen to sell the stores as one lot.
①①PHRASE If people draw lots to decide who will do something, they each take a piece of paper from a container. One or more pieces of paper is marked, and the people who take marked pieces are chosen. 抽签
For the first time in the World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.