
2022-05-05  本文已影响0人  z张文

Lead in

Today we’ll learn some useful skills


Everyone let’s listen to the tape.please listen to it carefully and tell me:who can tell me?exactly.since the passage contains lots of long sentence,I need two volunteers to read it for us .do you want to be my volunteers?please raise your hands and let me know.ok Jenny please another one ?who wants to challenge her .bob please,thank you ,you are brave too.guys by listening their reading whose is better do you think?you can’t tell ,how about I read it to you and then you tell me,ok listen carefully.Ok this time who can tell me which student is better.oh you think Jenny is better exactly but why is that ?I will give you 5minutes you can discuss with your partner ok ?any idea?ok jack please smart!jack said~~Everyone listen to me carefully this is a new knowledge we are going to learn today.we call it For example,you are so smart Then let’s do some exercise.


Excellent.do you like her reading ?mee too I think her pronunciation is ver good anyone else?wonderful ,you read better this time .very good.You are so active,I’m so proud of you ,and I believe through those exercise ,you all mastered the rule of ~~


OK guys,you look so confident,then are you ready for more challenge tasks.this time let’s do a dubbing competition.please look at the ppt ~~~Now we’re going to watch parts of her speech at a graduation ceremony.During the first time,you can watch it and listen to it.But in the second time ,it will be silent.I will hand out some pieces of paper with the speech,you need to read it .practice and then we will have a dubbing competition.pay attention to the places she stops.ok let’s watch it together.stop here ,it’s cheerful right?then I will give you 5minutes to practice ,then I will invite some volunteers to show their performance.ok time is up who’d like to be the first one?ok Lucy please.perfect your pronunciation is perfect and emotional.very good anyone else?Who wants to challenge her?yes Michael you can start excellent!you set a good example for us .the last chance who wants to seize it?Yes,come here ready? Let’s begin.Ok brilliant.you all did really good.keep practicing.good and you can continue to practice after class .

Summary and homework

If we want to read a sentence or paragraph more frequently ,there are many rules about pronunciation we should know.I hope you can pay attention to your pronunciation,in that way we can speak English like a native speaker,right.homework for today ,please read the passage three times ,and try to retell it in your own words,and next class I will invite some of you to show in front of the stage ok ?
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