1 什么是motif分析
在DNA或蛋白的同源序列中,不同位点的保守程度是不一样的,一般来说,对DNA或蛋白质功能和结构影响比较大的位点会比较保守,其它位点则不是很保守。这些保守的位点就称为“模体(motif)”。motif最先是通过实验的方法发现的。motif这个单词就是形容一种反复出现的模式,而序列motif往往是DNA上的反复出现的模式,并被假设拥有生物学功能。而且,经常是一些具有序列特异性的蛋白的结合位点(如,转录因子)或者是涉及到重要生物过程的(如,RNA 起始,RNA 终止, RNA 剪切等等)。目前被人们识别出来的motif也越来越多,如TRANSFAC和JASPAR数据库都有着大量转录因子的motif。
2 分析motif的软件
meme test.fa -protein -oc result -nostatus -time 1800000 -mod zoops -nmotifs 3 -minw 6 -maxw 13 -objfun classic -markov_order 0(同web版参数)
-protein 待预测的为蛋白序列
-oc result 输出路径
-nostatus 不将软件计算过程输出到屏幕上
-time 1800000 CPU消耗时间达到<time>后停止计算
-mod zoops motif的分布类型
· oops 每个功能域在每一段序列中都会出现一次,而且只出现一次。这种模式是运算速度最快,而且最为敏感的。但是如果并不是每个序列都包含功能域,那就可能会有不正确的结果。
· zoops 每个功能域在每一段序列中至多只出现一次,可能不出现。这种模式运算速度较快,敏感性稍弱。
· anr 每个功能域在每一段序列中出现的次数不定。这种模式运算速度最慢,可能会多花十倍以上的时间。但是对于功能分布的情况完全未知的情况下,这一参数可能会有帮助
-nmotifs 3 检测到的motif的最大限制
-minw 6 motif最大长度
-maxw 13 motif最小长度
-objfun classic motif检测的函数算法
-markov_order 0 马尔科夫模型使用的顺序
Usage: meme <dataset> [optional arguments]
<dataset> file containing sequences in FASTA format
[-h] print this message
[-o <output dir>] name of directory for output files,will not replace existing directory
[-oc <output dir>] name of directory for output files,will replace existing directory
[-text] output in text format (default is HTML)
[-objfun classic|de|se|cd|ce] obxxxxjective function (default: classic)
[-test mhg|mbn|mrs] statistical test type (default: mhg)
[-use_llr] use LLR in search for starts in Classic mode
[-neg <negdataset>] file containing control sequences
[-shuf <kmer>] preserve frequencies of k-mers of size <kmer> ,when shuffling (default: 2)
[-hsfrac <hsfrac>] fraction of primary sequences in holdout set (default: 0.5)
[-cefrac <cefrac>] fraction sequence length for CE region (default: 0.25)
[-searchsize <ssize>]maximum portion of primary dataset to use,for motif search (in characters)
[-maxsize <maxsize>] maximum dataset size in characters
[-norand] do not randomize the order of the input ,sequences with -searchsize
[-csites <csites>] maximum number of sites for EM in Classic mode
[-seed <seed>] random seed for shuffling and sampling
[-dna] sequences use DNA alphabet
[-rna] sequences use RNA alphabet
[-protein] sequences use protein alphabet
[-alph <alph file>] sequences use custom alphabet
[-revcomp] allow sites on + or - DNA strands
[-pal] force palindromes (requires -dna)
[-mod oops|zoops|anr] distribution of motifs
[-nmotifs <nmotifs>] maximum number of motifs to find
[-evt <ev>] stop if motif E-value greater than <evt>
[-time <t>] quit before <t> CPU seconds consumed
[-nsites <sites>] number of sites for each motif
[-minsites <minsites>] minimum number of sites for each motif
[-maxsites <maxsites>] maximum number of sites for each motif
[-wnsites <wnsites>] weight on expected number of sites
[-w <w>] motif width
[-minw <minw>] minimum motif width
[-maxw <maxw>] maximum motif width
[-allw] test starts of all widths from minw to maxw
[-nomatrim] do not adjust motif width using multiple
[-wg <wg>] gap opening cost for multiple alignments
[-ws <ws>] gap extension cost for multiple alignments
[-noendgaps] do not count end gaps in multiple alignments
[-bfile <bfile>] name of background Markov model file
[-markov_order <order>] (maximum) order of Markov model to use or create
[-psp <pspfile>] name of positional priors file
[-maxiter <maxiter>] maximum EM iterations to run
[-distance <distance>] EM convergence criterion
[-prior dirichlet|dmix|mega|megap|addone] type of prior to use
[-b <b>] strength of the prior
[-plib <plib>] name of Dirichlet prior file
[-spfuzz <spfuzz>] fuzziness of sequence to theta mapping
[-spmap uni|pam] starting point seq to theta mapping type
[-cons <cons>] consensus sequence to start EM from
[-brief <n>] omit sites and sequence tables in output if more than <n> primary sequences
[-nostatus] do not print progress reports to terminal
[-p <np>] use parallel version with <np> processors
[-sf <sf>] print <sf> as name of sequence file
[-V] verbose mode
[-version] display the version number and exit
meme.html -交互式的、可读性强的HTML格式展示的结果
meme.txt -兼容早期MEME版本的纯文本文件结果
meme.xmxxxxl -为机器处理设计的xmxxxxl格式的结果文件
logoN.png.eps - PNG and EPS 格式的miotif logos文件
2.3 注意事项
Timothy L. Bailey and Charles Elkan "Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers" Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology pp. 28-36 AAAI Press Menlo Park California 1994.