由于DNA双链中的下面一条与mRNA互补,以其为模板合成mRNA,因此这条链被称为模板链或转录链,上方这条链则为非模板链(templae strand)或非转录链(nontemplae strand)
由于非模板链与相应的mRNA在本质上有相同的编码特征,许多遗传学家又称它为编码链(coding strand),与它相对的另一条链为非编码链(anticoding strand)
同样,由于上方链与mRNA意义相同,也称为正义链(sense strand),下方的链称为反义链(antisense strand)
图片.pngT7 RNA聚合酶(T7 RNA Polymerase)是一种RNA聚合酶,分子量约99kDa。专门催化5'→3'方向的RNA形成过程。T7RNA聚合酶具有高度启动子专一性,且只会转录T7噬菌体中位于T7启动子下游的的DNA或DNA复制品。此酶在合成RNA的过程中,需要DNA模板与镁离子(Mg2+)作为辅因子。牛血清蛋白(bovine serum albumin,BSA)及精胺(spermidine)对此酶具促进效果。与细菌的RNA聚合酶的差异之一,在于T7RNA聚合酶不受抗生素立泛霉素(rifampicin)抑制。
FAQ: Does the transcription reaction with T7 RNA Polymerase require a primer?
No, T7 RNA Polymerase recognizes its specific promoter sequence and starts transcription at the final G. The polymerase then transcribes using the opposite strand as a template from 5’->3’.
To make an antisense probe, design the oligo to contain the reverse complement sequence ( short gray line ) downstream of the polymerase promoter ( gray overhang line containing T3 RNA polymerase promoter sequence as an example). To make a sense probe, design the oligo to contain the coding sequence ( short black line ) downstream of the polymerase promoter ( black overhang line containing T7 RNA polymerase promoter sequence as an example)