
2022-01-21  本文已影响0人  欣然小时光

Let's try reading it out loud. 我们大声念出来吧。
You can read it slowly. 你可以慢慢地念。
I will read this page, and you read the other side. 我念这一页,你念它的另一面。
I think I have a sore throat from reading. 我念完之后,觉得喉咙痛。
Your voice does not have to be very loud. 你的声音不需要太大声。
As Iong as you can hear yourseif, it's fine. 只要你自已能听得到就好。
I can't hear you at all. 我根本就听不到你念的声音。
It's okay if you get it wrong. I will help you. 错了也没关系,我会帮你。
I want you to repeat after me as I read line by line.当我一行一行的念,我希望你跟着复诵。
I don't know how to read this word. 我不知道这个字怎么念。
I can't really pronounce it. 我发不出这个音。
Try to sound it out. It starts with an "1". 你试着发音看看,从“1”开始。
I will record it and let you listen to it . 我帮你录起来给你听。
If you keep on practicing, you will get better for sure. /Practice makes perfect.如果你持续练习的话,你一定会念得更好。
If I can't read, I want you to help me 如果我念不出来,请帮我。

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