Lecture 5-6

2019-01-15  本文已影响0人  zju_dream


Lecture 5-6

P2.What is complexity analysis?


P4-5.Basic operations of an algorithm & What is a basic operation?

不同算法的Basic operation是什么

P7.Complexity as a function of the input - Examples

P20.Average and Worst case analysis

P23.Relative growth rate of functions

P29.Example: O(n^3),Ω(n^3), and Θ(n^3)

P36.P and NP


P44. NP-complete



  1. So P2 is a NP problem.
  2. P1 is a NP complete, all other problems R in NP can be polynomially reduced to P1.
  3. Show P1 can be polynomially reduced to P2

P46.How to show that a problem is N P complete I

P47.How to show that a problem is N P complete II

P48.Amortized analysis - Initial example

P52.Amortized or worst-case analysis

P53.Amortized vs average-case analysis

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