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ProblemB: How Many Languages?
Background:There are currently about 6,900 languages spoken on Earth. About half theworld’s population claim one of the following ten languages (in order of mostspeakers) as a native language: Mandarin (incl. Standard Chinese), Spanish,English, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, Punjabi, and Japanese.However, much of the world’s population also speaks a second language. When consideringtotal numbers of speakers of a particular language (native speakers plus secondor third, etc.language speakers), the languages and their order change from thenative language list provided. The total number of speakers of a language mayincrease or decrease over time because of a variety of influences to include,but not limited to, the language(s) used and/or promoted by the government in acountry, the language(s) used in schools, social pressures, migration andassimilation of cultural groups, and immigration and emigration with countriesthat speak other languages. Moreover, in our globalized, interconnected worldthere are additional factors that allow languages that are geographically distantto interact. These factors include international business relations, increasedglobal tourism, the use of electronic communication and social media, and theuse of technology to assist in quick and easy language translation.
Problem:A large multinational service company, with offices in New York City in theUnited States and Shanghai in China, is continuing to expand to become trulyinternational. This company is investigating opening additional internationaloffices and desires to have the employees of each office speak both in Englishand one or more additional languages. The Chief Operating Officer of the companyhas hired your team to investigate trends of global languages and locationoptions for new offices.
A.Consider the influences and factors described in the background paragraphabove, as well as other factors your group may identify. Based on projectedtrends, and some or all of these influences and factors, model the distributionof various language speakers over time.
B.Use your model to predict what will happen to the numbers of native speakersand total language speakers in the next 50 years. Do you predict that any ofthe languages in the current top-ten lists(either native speakers or totalspeakers) will be replaced by another language? Explain.
C.Given the global population and human migration patterns predicted for the next50 years, do the geographic distributions of these languages change over thissame period of time? If so, describe the change.
A.Based on your modeling from Part I, and assuming your client company wants toopen six new international offices, where might you locate these offices andwhat languages would be spoken in the offices? Would your recommendations bedifferent in the short term versus the long term? Explain your choices.
B.Considering the changing nature of global communications, and in an effort tosave your client company resources, might you suggest that the company openless than six international offices? Indicate what additional information youwould need and describe how you would analyze this option in order to adviseyour client.
Writea 1-2 page memo to the Chief Operating Officer of the service companysummarizing your results and recommendations.
Note:In your analysis, ignore unpredictable or high-impact, low probability eventssuch as asteroid collisions that would cause a catastrophic jump inevolutionary trends over time, and possibly render all languages extinct.
Yoursubmission should consist of:
One-page Summary Sheet,
Two-page memo,
Your solution of no morethan 20 pages, for a maximum of 23 pages with your summary and memo.
Note: Reference list andany appendices do not count toward the 23-page limit and should appear afteryour completed solution.
List of Languages by Total Numbers of Speakers
Lane,J. (2017). The 10 Most Spoken Languages in the World. Babbel Magazine.Retrieved from https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/the-10-most-spoken-languages-in-the-world
Noack,R. and Gamio, L. (April 23, 2015). The World’s Languages in 7 Maps and Charts.The WashingtonPost. Retrieved from
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/04/23/the-worlds-languages-in-7-maps- and-charts/?utm_term=.a993dc2a15cb
Listof Languages by Total Numbers of Speakers
Listof Languages by Total Numbers of Speakers. Retrieved from
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_total_number_of_speakersonJanuary 17, 2018.
2018 MCM B题:有多少种语言
问题:一家在美国纽约市和中国上海设有办事处的大型跨国服务公司正在不断拓展,成为真正的国际化公司。 该公司正在通过调查来开设更多的国际办事处,并希望每个办事处的员工都能使用英语和一种或多种其他语言进行讲话。 该公司的首席运营官已经聘请了你的团队来调查全球语言的发展趋势以及新办事处的地点选择。
3.鉴于未来50年全球人口和人口迁移的预测,这些语言的地理分布在同一时期是否会发生变化? 如果是,请描述这个变化。
1.根据你在第一部分的模型,假设你的客户公司想要开设六个新的国际办事处,你会在哪里设立这些办事处,以及这些办事处将使用哪些语言? 你的建议在短期和长期上会有所不同吗? 解释你的选择。
2.考虑到全球通讯性质的不断变化,为了节省客户公司资源,你是否可以建议该公司开设的国际办事处少于6个? 表明你需要的额外信息,并描述如何分析这些信息,以便向客户提供建议。
(1) 73410队伍建立了一个新的模型来取代纯粹基于人口的投影模型。他们的模型侧重于母语人士和非母语人士,引入过渡矩阵来描述母语使用者与不同语言的非母语使用者之间的过渡,引入了两个新的群体:学习者和移民,以进一步分析过渡。最后,他们引入一组参数来表示外生影响,一个表示时间变化的新变量,并建立非均匀转移矩阵。最后,他们采用模拟退火算法来为新的公司选择最佳的位置。
(2) 74316队伍通过主成分分析为母语人士和非母语人士建立了短期差异模型。然后基于短期模型,进一步建立了长期差分模型。其次,他们使用长期模型来预测未来50年每个国家的情况。进一步通过灵敏度分析和蒙特卡罗鲁棒性来证明他们的模型是健壮且可预测的。他们建立马尔可夫模型来分析语言的地理分布及其变化。分别通过聚类分析对224个国家进行了分析,使用模糊评估的多目标决策(MODM)来计算等级并选择新办公室的位置。最后使用MINE模型,对经纬度坐标网格进行网格划分,消除适当数量的办公室,从而降低成本。
(3) 77238队伍建立了一个语言发展模型以描述在某个国家学习某种第二语言的新一代的可能性。他们使用层次分析法(AHP)来确定具体参数,并在Python上进行随机模拟以产生结果。基于语言分布模型,他们又开发了一个位置确定模型,以选择其新国际办事处的位置。通过灵敏度分析证明了他们模型具有很强的稳健性。
(4) 79002队伍建立了时间序列差分方程模型,通过此模型对他们收集的指标进行分析,预测出语言分布随时间的变化。鉴于全球人口增长和迁移模式,他们建立差分方程的地理分布模型,预测不同语言的地理分布。此外,他们又建立成本效益分析模型,以计算该公司应建立的合适办公室数量。最后,他们分析了模型的性能和模型的灵敏度,证明了模型对于不同的参数是相对稳定的。
(5) 91566队伍建立了地理分布式语言转换模型。他们通过收集丰富有效的数据,适应未知参数,并在未来获得各种语言的地理分布。通过灵敏度分析,证明了模型的稳定性和容错性。为了解决国际办事处的位置问题,他们建立了地理语言分布对公司效率影响的模型。 最终确定了六个城市。