Common structure-balance between
The following excerpt from:
According to Einstein field equation, there is a balance between spacetime structure and massenergy structure. Because it is general structure in the universe and everything have the same model of structure in their one system.
The Jovian planets is spacetime structure of solar system because they are gas-sphere and they have more density of spacetime
(spacetime/massenergy) than the density of massenergy
The terrestrial planets is massenergy structure of solar system because they are rock-ball and they have more density of massenergy than the density of spacetime.
That can explain of that the Jovian planets of big mass is far away from sun.
With the idea that the wave is spacetime and the wave effect is spacetime structure, the planets have elliptic orbits and the same direction of their revolution.
Because sun is like a massenergy center of the massenergy structure and the terrestrial planets, the paper supposes there is a dark sun-a dark hole who has a spacetime center of spacetime structure and influences on the orbits of the Jovian planets.