
2017-07-21  本文已影响0人  卷猫儿

Day10, Page91-100

一,Words and Phrases

1)  thrilled  欣喜若狂的;异常兴奋的;非常开心的;对……感到激动

be thrilled with  对……感到激动

原句:I don't think Dad was too thrilled with the idea of me buying a Sweet Secrets Diary,either.

仿句:She was too thrilled with seeing her dream idol.

造句:I was so thrilled to get a good news from him.

2)keep track of 跟踪了解…的情况;与…保持联系

原句: because it was hard to keep track of what was going on from just looking at the bottoms of people's shoes.

仿句:Our boss has been kept track of our attendance for paying bonuses.

造句:Eric keeps track of English learning notes's score for paying bonuses.

3)out of one's mind 疯了;精神不正常;神经失常;走神

原句: I told Rodrick he was out of his mind if he thought I was helping.

仿句:I think he must be out of his mind,if he thought I believe what he said.

造句:I should think about Rodrick won't let me joined the party unless he must be out of his mind.


Rodrick's friends started to show up around 7:00,and before you knew it, there were cars parked up and down the street.

Jay Chou's fans started to show up around 6:00, before the start of fans meet up,there were cars parked up and down the street.


Rodrick seized the big chance to had a huge party with his friends at once when Dad and Mom leave home.  Even though he infected with flu. I was very regretful didn't tell Dad and Mom due to some of my curiosity. I should think about Rodrick won't let me joined the party unless he must be out of his mind.

A juicy bit of gossip: 绘声绘色的小道消息

show up 露面

flip through 浏览; 草草翻阅

got ahold of 找着;控制;理解


