每周一段 39 纽约皇后区

2019-06-17  本文已影响0人  琢石喵

Manhattan has energy and money; Brooklyn has hipster cachet and old-world, brownstone beauty; the Bronx has pugnacity; Staten Island has apartness. Queens has no clear defining quality (and it is most definitely not hip, whatever the estate agents may tell you). But it has the vibrancy of a whole world. Around 160 languages are spoken across the borough; residents hail from almost 200 countries. Nearly half its residents are foreign-born; most speak a language other than English at home. Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of Queens. To wander its streets is to walk through what makes American great. ["The Glorious Diversity of Queens, New York", the Economist, December 18th, 2018 ]

段落赏析:选择这段的理由完全诗出于它的语言。选段共有7句话。第1句中四个简短有力的排比句都用了简单的has, 重心放在宾语特质上,整齐有力,写出了各自的魅力。纽约市共有五个区 (曼哈顿,布鲁克林,皇后,布朗克斯,斯塔滕岛),但作者只在第一句里写了四个区,可见作者的写作策略;略写纽约其他四区,详写皇后区。果然,第二句出现了皇后区,表面写它没有标志性的特点,但第3句话锋一转,给了它极高的评价:the vibrancy of the whole world. 第四、五句从语言和人口角度具体写皇后区的“vibrancy,”第六句强调皇后区的各种多样性就是它的特点;第7句写了皇后区的这些优势也是美国的优势。



Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of Queens. 

提炼句型: Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity of X. (在写某个多元城市或地区的时候可以直接用这个句式,里面的形容词可以酌情增删。)


1) Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, architectural and religious diversity of New York City. 

2) Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, culinary and cultural diversity of Singapore. 

3) Few places can boast the ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of London. 


To wander its streets is to walk through what makes America great. 


To wander its streets is to walk through X. 


1) To wander Kyoto's streets is to walk through the ancient history of Japan. (京都很多地保留了旧日的建筑和文化)

2) To wander Yiwu's streets is to walk through China's e-commerce landscape. (义务是中国著名的小商品集散地)

3)To wander the museum is to walk through what makes human race greater than other species. 


1)Manhattan has energy and money; Brooklyn has hipster cachet and old-world, brownstone beauty; the Bronx has pugnacity; Staten Island has apartness.

2)Queens has no clear defining quality. But it has the vibrancy of a whole world. 

3) Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of Queens.

4)To wander its streets is to walk through what makes American great.



1) Few places can boast the linguistic, ethnic, culinary, and cultural diversity of Hong Kong.[non-Chinese 有Filipinos, Indonesians, South Asians and whites等等,语言,英语、汉语,广东话,客家话等; 食物上也是combined flavors of Chinese and Western cuisines. ]

2) To wander Jiufen's streets is to walk through the history of Taiwan. 

3) To wander around the murals in Fahai Temple is to achieve an understanding of a hybrid of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist traditions in the mid-fifteenth century in China. (漫步于法海寺的壁画可以帮助理解15世纪汉藏佛教传统的交融。)


