

2017-07-28  本文已影响96人  code_w






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NOTE: This is a very rough transcription and contains many transcription



Topic: The interaction between the Eye & Thalamus




On the chapter of the left side where is the area of the diencephalon the lungsare related with function of the function of the optic and auditory nerves, soactually the thalamus is the main revaluation system of the eyes so I mentionto you that eyes and olfactory bulb they are a direct extension of our brain toenvironment and actually with them we accept the fields directly fromenvironment transfer directly to our brain.


The difference between the eyes and olfactory bulb, and other receptor organs,is that they are so similar like in structure, and the organization of thefields and cells inside of them are so similar like our brain. Other lose endsare more individual and more like our organs and have priority in theirfunction. Our eyes and olfactory bulb are directly connected to our brain andthe function of eyes is so similar to the function of our brain they make onecommon composition, OK then we go to the next slide.


With this slide I want to show you that eyes area direct extension of our brain and actually the nervous optical you see liketwo connecting between the brain and eye generate from the thalamus the mainnucleus from the start from the innovation of our eyes is thalamus, you saw inthe previous  slide the seat of our eyes retina is from thalamus, then thestructure grow from inner-side to outer-side and organize different  partof our  sensory organ eye, Ok  we go to next slide


On this slide is usable information from our

brain to our eye, actually we receive two flows of light from different points

of view to our eye, they’re triggering different partsof our retina and the signal from the retina goes through the thalamus opticalas a cross road of optic nerve, and actually the right eye gives the signal tothe left part of our brain through the left thalamus , the left transcends the signal from environment through thalamus to the right part ofour brain. The cross section of the signal is thalamus optical where above thatplace; this is the place of our pituitary gland.


Actually the thalamus optical has direct connection like a field connection,like between the pituitary gland, eyes, and thalamus, and they make a triangle,is what is important in the structure of our brain, so just remember that theleft right, the left eye give the signal to the right brain and the right eyegive the signal to the left side of our brain this is the main part, butactually we have an additional part and they are directly connected to thecentral part of the brain. On the right picture you see with green color to theleft part which does additional  function  to the signal part of thebrain, to the similar part of thalamus  and of the right line in the righteye we have again additional parts of signals to the same part of our brain.


Actually that happens because that these two eyes that we have are suppose tofunction as one eye, but we actually have evolvement for two because theinformation from evolvement is a lot and so needs to separate our eyes to beable to accept the huge amount of information and to be able to send it to thebrain effectively and the brain transcribes that information, what informationour eyes accept from our environment. They are actually like receptors forfields from environment and transcend the information like a field to ourbrain. Ok next slide please thank you…


So this slide gives you information of where isthe place of our eye, in Latin we call that orbital fossa, which is like a holein front of our skull, which is the front part of our skull, and regarding thatplasma technology, if you remember that part of our skull belongs to emotionalpart of the brain and actually if you see how the eye is like a bulb situatedin one hole and not being in touch directly with the bone,  we have firstfat tissue and that fat tissue makes sure that the bulb will be safe inside.


Actually the hole of bone makes a core inside ofthat core is the fat tissue for protecting the bulb of the eye and inside ofthe fat capsule you have the eye, and the structure of the eye is so soft andbecause of that it needs to be protected from bone, from fat, and must not bein contact directly with bone. On the upper side you see is like a small closedorganized structure which is our lacrimal gland, and through the lacrimal ductshave a function to make moisture for our eyes, since it is again a protectivesystem so our eyes do not become dry, and also you know that the water is aconductor, so through the water our eye can accept easier the signal from ourenvironment, and because of that our eyes are all the time moist, they are notdry. If they become dry this starts to make difficulty in vision and acceptingthe signal from environment.


Ok, around the eyes which is suppose to move and actually we nearly have halfmovement in the eye because we have several muscles that are supporting themovement of our eye, and the muscle that is connected with both of the eyes ,on the top area and on the left and right and we also have the muscle thatconnect the corners of the eyes and we call that the juvenile muscles, allthese muscles. All these muscle organize the retraction and extension ofdifferent movement of our eye, and actually it is interesting why we need tomove our eye just to accept different kinds of fields, in that movement we areorganized with the receptors of the fields, that is the muscles of the eye, wealso have muscles inside of the eye and the organize how much to be white ornear our nerves, in this introduction hole the light is accepted into the eye,ok next slide please,


With this slide I want to show you what is theposition of our eye if you look from on top of the eye, actually our eye isjust like in that hole, the optic nerve come from the brain, connected with thespecific place of our eye pole and accept our pupil and iris like a south poleso that part of the eye will be like a north pole so from south pole we acceptthe fields inside and from the north pole we release the fields from theoptic  nerve to the thalamus, and how much is white or near our pupilcontrols how much light we accept in our eyes, so the contraction of the pupiljust organize the different fields we are able to accept from the environment, actually we have different  size with our eyes which one field we need toaccept. Ok next slide please, thank you,


So here you see our eyes have  a shape ofbulb and how I told you we have the south pole and the north pole and is thesame shape like a planet earth and we have an equator in the middle, from thebeginning you have a hole with our south pole, pupil, then we have an Iris,inside of the iris is the inner muscles which regulates the geo matter of thepupil and in Latin language we call ciliary muscles and then you see that allof the bulb is covered with one layer of vessels and nerves and we call it theorate layer of eyes and this is the inner layer of our eye the outer layer issclera which is made from connective tissue.


On the right side you see that we have actually a space between the iris andthe in front of the iris we have a shooting from cornea, like a window, socornea just cover the hole of our pupil, and then after pupil and ciliarymuscles we have again a small space then comes the lens. The lens is the organthat transcripts the fields and transcends them to the next part of our eyeswhich is actually liquid which is inside of our eyes so the fields just slowdown the speed to all the systems and finally reach our retina and trigger thedifferent cells inside our retina.


Our retina contain different kind of cells regarding colors each cell acceptingdifferent strengths of fields, then the cells organize the nerve inputs andthen transcend to the thalamus and other parts of our brain,  ok nextslide please.


This is a cross section of the eye, this is thesame structure for on how you see in the middle we have a hole and we havelayering of the wall, in the center is our lens and above the lens is thecovering from the cornea, in the middle we have a attune and actually we haveour eye separated into two parts left and right, so from that slide I think foreveryone is visible that our eyes have exactly the shape of planet earth and ofshape of reactor, so you have a south pole which is our pupil and the northpole which is the start of the nervous optics, in the Latin language we call itmacula point, ok next slide please,


Thank you this is different points of view oflayering of our eyes so how you see we have three layers of the wall of oureyes and the reactor also have 3 layers, the outer layer is white and themiddle is red and the inner is like yellow for you here so the right pictureagain gives you layering of the wall, Ok in front of you is the south pole ourpupil, and from the north pole where the start is nervus opticus, actually themuscles outside the bulb they are just for positioning, they make the positionof the eye which is non static, ok next slide please,


thank you  so again this slide shows the

layering  and actually the outer layer which is white color and the main

structure is connective tissue and actually is full of Cu2 and actually a part

of our eyes is Cu2 in the osmotic grand state, inner part is ordinal part which

contains the nerve vessels of nerves and that is actually transition matter.

Please show the picture of the reactor and the different kinds of receptors’,


so here we have transitional matter between theouter layer and inner layer, the transitional matter here contains the blackleaf state and liquid state between the cells, the inner layer is retina andthat is the nervous system of our eye and autonomic nervous system of our eyeand is actually copper of sight the inner layer is the copper of sight, this isthe main nerve transmitter in plasma state and when we accept the fields through light from south pole pupil and slow down the speed through lens andliquid state inside of eye, the autonomic nervous system with  cooper ofsight (keeper)  retina we transform the fields and transcend them frommacula, the macula is the point  where start  memos optical andactually macula what we call macula which is the point that accepts the resultsof the transcriber fields, and transcend to the thalamus, this is somehowdistributing the ovule in the same way ,


ok so we said transitional matter in our inner layer of the eye containing thevessels and nerves principle matter is inside hole of the eye when we acceptthe light and the light starts to make a trace, a road in the liquid state ofthe eye in the middle of the bulb of our eye starts to organize the principalmatter, and then that principle matter organize new conditions and transcendsthrough the macula nervus opticus to the lungs, so it is important just to knowthatcopper of sightis everywhere  we are suppose toaccept, to resend the fields like nervous system impulse, we have in themuscles of the copper of sight because through the movement of muscles  weresend information to our brain, and actually the eyes they are a directextension of our brain, but they help to our brain to accept the movement ofthe orb and fields.


The movement is not only when some part is moving but also when differentfields change their strength, this is also movement, and so they accept thedifference and transcend the difference to the thalamus.  Ok next slideplease…




So that slide and the pictures is so similar to

the pictures of inner earth. I know that most of you are familiar with that,

and again I just want to show how it’s likethe lining of the world inside what is for you or on the right side in purpleis the liquid inside and the center is macula just is liquid macula, at thatpoint is like our oval is like our nervous impulse which is like transformingfromcopper of sight.


Retina is like receptor point where the macula accepts all the fields andtranscends through nervus opticus. And again you see our lens is south pole andour north pole is in the place called macula and in the middle we have a hole,ok next slide please, thank you,




Next slide I want to show you how the eye iscompletely the same shape of the reactor of our orbit you have an optic nervefrom your south pole then the reactor eye and on the right side you haveproplea,this is your side bulb, this is the same shape reactor of our lobe, oknext  slide please thank you,




That slide is again to be visible for you thatthe eye have the shape of reactor, the same structure so the brain just has tworeceptors from the reactor to be able to accept the fields from the outer andto transform to the inner part, and also our eye there is the place where the emotionalpart of the brain which means they accept the fields  and also theyemit  the fields so  generate in them the fields, they transcend thefields from thalamus to environment but also they generate inside the fields.Ok next slide please thank you




So this is a cross section of eye and thereactor of environment and this center pin is actually the macula of the eye sothe center there just accept information and transcend.  Ok we are donewith that slide, next slide please,




So if you remember when we speak about the starformation, star formation in chest which is connected to the main reactor ofour brain, so we have in that small reactor in our eye the left and right partwhich is like the shape of our lung and then in the middle you have maculagenerating and transcending the impulses to the autonomic nervous system in theretina, they same way our heart have autonomic nervous system, so here we havea replicated model and it again connected to the nervous channel through thethalamus. So in our eye we have again replicated model of the star formation.Ok next slide please ,


Pic 16


Thank you so these three pictures give you information on the place of macula and how the eye control the papilla and transcends through lens how the eye control the liquid inside the eye and reach the retina and the signal of retina just go through liras optical, on the right side you see a bright red hollow, this is the place of the macula. And actually this is the point where all the fields come to one point, this is like accepting point, accept the fields all I one place.


This is the same with the reactor of Armen, so you see our eye with this replicated model but replicated model of star formation in one hand is itself a reactor plasmatic fields which is able to transcend and emit the fields, and generate the fields itself.  Ok that is it from my side, if someone have a question, if not I will give microphone to Mr. Keshe for next explanation.


I have a question about the eye. I once hurt my eye, I had a piece of metal embedded in it and they had to remove it. When they removed it the doctor said well she used a little knife scoop thing and actually scooped out the substance of the cornea of my eye, scraped it right out, and said that that would heal over within a day or so basically, that the covering of the eye that clear substance was actually able to heal itself and I thought that was actually quite amazing, can you say something about that?


Yes it is the same way you make your two kids to clean the room it is the same thing because the corneal surface layer…


That is like that fatty layer that forms on the water when Ganses is created and so on you mean?


Yah the carbon is a… well the main conductor of the carbon have the function to help out and to hold in the same layer is the CO2 and the carbon accepts the fields and because of oxygen just helps it. …Do you understand?


Yah thank you that is an interesting way to look at it.


What does it mean when the optic nerve is degenerating, is it falling apart or does the carbon structure change the diamond?


Mr. Keshe said he will answer that.


E:Actually it is back to diamond for nervous impulses you need to have the super conductive tissue and when the super conductor structure converts to diamond, then that’s it, the signal stops, you have to re-change the structure to super conductor, so the degeneration of the optic nerve is because the tissue change the fields from that to refit diamond. Actually you just start to add more carbons inside and the organization of the structure goes to diamond which is more stable.


Question: What is the meaning of the cross section of the optic nerve and why does the right eye go to the left side of the brain?


Because your supposed to have only one eye and because the brain is suppose to organize and transcript the information like one which is why you have the main part to the other part of your brain and the second way to the same part to give you the full data.


But why do they cross that seems strange to me and why not go directly into each side of the brain it is much shorter?


They are not split if they go to one eye but to have two eyes they are split to go to different part. Mr. Keshe will give us more information on that.


Ok, why do people have different eye colors?


Because they accept different kinds of fields they need to accept different types of fields, you are generator for yourself and for each they require different kind of fields to contain your system. What kind of fields you need is what kind of color you have because you attract that kind of fields in it.


How come some people have slit from pupils instead of round ones and does that make a difference besides just the looks?


Oh the different shape of the pupils, they make different straight of fields which they pass to the eye, they are more wide or they are more thin and they trigger different part of retina to control the shape of light that comes in which makes it so much more so that the retina itself is trigger the wide light trigger more cells and the thin trigger less cells, do you understand?


Is it true that some pupils are actually slits rather than a circle like a cats eye?


Just because in the retina they have different kind of cells they are not round on the retina they are lines, you have the cells the red line the green line and so on so when you have different shape of window either more narrow or wider then you accept that much flow of the light inside the room. Same with pupil it sends a different shape of light based on the shape of the pupil to trigger different cells in your retina, and only part of the cells in the retina accept the light and others do not accept it.


If you focus on an infinite piece of the sky after a moment you can have a inner peace and see millions of sparkling lights…


Because you organize the light itself


Inside your eye through the fluid


Question, some people have a disease called photo sensibility so they have to live in a almost zero light environment, Is there a root cause of that disease?


Yah they don’t want to see the reality that is the main cause.


So it is a emotional disease.


It makes complete sense, if you don’t want to do something and even if you can’t think of it yourself or consciously say that to yourself the body will adjust to that emotional request

Everything is just fields for many of them are emotional fields, but everything is fields but some become photo sensitive, which means you don’t want to see the reality solid or not solid.


It is so simple.


Yes I agree.


A couple of questions you raise were so facts about why people don’t want to see, there was a case some time ago in Belgium where a girl became blind on a flight from South America and the people of the Keshe foundation in Belgium knew her and she attended one of the presentations, and I asked her to attend a 2nd meeting with us because I said to her I can give you your sight back. She was shocked she had been blind for about two years. I asked her to come into a dark room and sit and see if she can see and she said yes she can see and I said do you want your sight back?


She was shocked – she was in a graduate program at the university. She said no I don’t want my sight back. To me and the people in the room this was a shock, that why someone given the gift of sight did not want to see? It was rather soul searching, then when you understand that the eye is a part of the emotional part of the brain and actually is created at the same time and is the only part of man that is created at the same time as the brain, the emotional part of the brain, it gave me a very clear indication she was looking for attention, in having sight she will not get that attention which was missing from her father and mother and by going blind she was getting the attention from the public and that was enough that was what she was reaching for.


So people think the eye is just a point where we receive information, but in fact through the eye we explain our emotions.  We send more information out than we receive, very much the same process as the ears, the ears transfer the fields from the physical side of the brain and partially emotion, but the eye does the reverse, it transfer the fields of emotion, and not through the physical.


This is very important. Through eyes we love, we give love we care for love, we don’t do that through our ears, when we love something, when we adore a person we look at them and enjoy seeing them, and by looking we send the information back about how we feel and for the receiver to understand what has been sent so the eyes are the inner look inside the soul of the mind


That is a good look into the eye, now that Dr. Eliya has opened it up, is a copy of gas reactors. Now you understand that from the beginning we aimed for Cu2 copper dioxide, the liquid inside is the same as CO2 from the salts, in the eye there is light kind of sight which allows for the transfer of any kind of energy which is absorbed by the muscle tissue. Carbon dioxide,  this is the limitation of the mind into the sight of the universe.


What does this mean? It means you have the copper as part of the nervous system of the body, then you have the water is exactly what we explain before even yesterday, is in a gaseous state connection like and now the tissues of the eye the copper oxides in the eye is in a gaseous state and then you have the co2 in the back ground and the co2 is white in color it is the same color as your eye and in your brain because it is emotionally connected.


True information is much faster than the information through physical part so it is so important that the information sent out is so rapid and instantaneous that the body itself has chosen as a part of itself structure the co2, there are those who have only the wjite eye they don’t have nothing else the eye is totally white the people can’t see, about five years ago people who listen to this program carried it to the United Emirates and in week a girl who had not seen in thirteen years could see black, red and green but again she decided she does not want to see because the world was to horrible to see and again we see the same emotional part that if she could see she would not get attention.

真正的信息是远远快于通过物理部分的信息,所以它是非常重要的,信息发出是如此迅速瞬间的,以至于身体本身选择了作为自身结构二氧化碳的一部分, 还有那些只有善意的眼睛,他们别无他求。眼睛完全是白色的人就看不到,大约五年前,人们听这个节目后带到联合酋长国,在一周内,已经失明十三年的女孩可以看到黑色、红色和绿色,但[事后]她又决定了她不想看到[这个世界],因为看到的世界是如此的可怕,而我们又一次看到相同的情感部分,如果她能看了她就不会再得到关注。

We do not see the full structure and we do not handle our emotion and then that leads to a different kind of blindness, blindness is no by the sight but blindness is by the emotion the rejection of reality, so eyes are not physicality to see but in a channel for our emotions, and how we connect to our souls and how we connect to the other beings around us. If you go back to the origin of an or when the first started eyes where a part of skin but it has adapted over millions of years so it has become transparent, it is not a separate organ but is literally a part of your outer skin but over millions of years billions of years the DNA and RNA have collaborated to allow RNA to change the DNA to allow the transparency which is through one single tissue it is very much one layer of single atom but is stuck so that all of the holes in the non layer are exactly in the same position,  which is why you allow the light to cross through which is why it looks transparent this is if you don’t have the nano- layers space gap there are positions that you can put space caps in a condition that by creating certain field internally that holes open up.


This is the future of nano technology then we put in patterns through holes but when you put the holes in the right position to allow the strength to cross through then you create the light and then vision the structure of the copper oxide inside is to do with is connection to humanity with its neuro system tissues because the reflection of the nerve is not by true neuro system but through plasmatic magnetic fields.


Why we have this copper is due to where the muscle tissue finish then operate only through copper in the muscle tissue when you have a neuro damage or a muscle damage where repair is not possible you use a copper woven tissue then the nerve repairs itself. The reason we have copper in the muscle tissues and in the eye is for example when we have a  emotional stress when the stress sends to the emotional part and for the brain to give instruction to the physicality, there is a short communication with plasmatic tissues that allow instantaneous communication to the of the  arm in trouble that doesn’t not need to go through neuro system and because they are made of the same material  the communication is instantaneously and you pull yourself physically back.


If that information arrives, because of neuro damage, too late, then that is the time you fall off the cliff. In so many ways people who jump across bridges, jump across rivers, and jump off high mountains and cliffs , they have trained their body to not have the information go to the legs so by the time it arrives it is to late the action has already taken place, and that is what I always say – only 20 %  of the information goes through the neuro system, 80 percent is through plasmatic magnetic entities of our bodies, because many of the state of the cells of the body are made up of a gaseous state of matter.


If you understood the structure of the eye, the way it is set up is like telescopes that see into the deepest parts of the universe. You decide the gap in-between the nano layers this is how in the future we will judge the distance we travel even at thousands of time the speed of light. The realigning of nano layers in the structure of the copper oxide gives us that relative ability of knowing of advance electronic system technologies as we go into space.


We can’t stop

and open the door because we go too fast. Nano layers on the structure of the

copper oxide is one of the easiest ways in the gaseous state to create non

dimensional vision detection, it is one of the easiest ways. If you can create

nano fabrics which are still in the nano layers you have invisible vision where

you detect with our being detected, because you’restill in another wave.


These are part of the teaching of the future for body composition indicationsand if you understood this and what we have always said in the past. We giveyou by controlling the nano gates the parameters and the strength which allowyou or you allow to look into the environment or the distance you are not useto and you see the future, or you see the entities you have never seen before,it is very much like a peeping hole you open it up and you see the whole andyou open it more and you see more, and now the peeping hole opening we see thegap properties and often the material is dictated by the gap and as the gap ismagnetic field controlled as a plasma now you decide what plasma you want it togo through.


Now for the first time those that were wonderingabout the telephone calls how you show the presence of the person or the entitythat you have not seen before we create the plasmatic field condition thatcreates the magnetic field which allows you to see what you could not see.


Uhm…this came up a while ago in the plasma groupmeeting where we were talking about having glasses that had certain ganses andjust by controlling the gap between the ganses lets us find the fields we arelooking for as in sight.


MK: In a way yes but the opportunity you have now is by choosing the type ofmaterials you dictate or choose the size of the gap and you dictate thestrength of the gap and you dictate the strength of the rays you allow to gothrough it. When I said a few weeks ago we make presents to bless his nameChrist, people thought it was a joke. Now you understand.


Do not forget thee is something very important those who have not understoodthe principle of Christianity never understood or denied the truth. Among thehuman race there is a daughter of Christ, who was in the south ofFrance,and that blood is running in western Europe, and we know how to access it, andthrough DNA and RNA, the confirmation will be there. If not Christ left nothingbehind but he left a girl, 12 or 13 y o, that was brought to the south ofFrance, and that brought high genetics


This is the same for the blessed Mohammed–his children and grand children live among Iranians as part of theblood of Iran, so it is not very hard to be able to achieve or reach the soulof these. This is the reality of the new knowledge, then no man needs to bekilled just because he drew a picture of a prophet. It was his wish because heunderstood why his image was mis-used or shoddy image misused. He did not allowthe misuse of a blessed way now you have the vision to see as how you carried theeye of your father or grandfather or color of skin.


Your RNA carries all the information the same, now we manage to open it to thelength that it is using the same knowledge and technology now we have we shouldbe able to see in the coming times the time of the past. If you remember I kepton telling you a long time ago that we play the action of the man to achievewhat they have done, now as we truly understand more the way man has managed toopen RNA though the same technology of gapping we open the magnetic field thestrength of the RNA not DNA and that is a huge, huge information piece. We allsee because our fore father have been present and because they have seen itwith their own eyes what happened, who was just and who was unacceptable, this is what will shake or bring a lot of people to the end of their jobs.


The process of this mentoring has not started because now we can show the truththrough man’s RNA recordings; don’t forget where we are in Italy and here is a reason we are here. Youhave got to understand people were waiting for eight years  to showmovies, but in fact their RNA carries the whole information of the history ofman. Now slowly, through the eyes, we allow it to open up. RNA research willbecome more important than DNA research, with better tools. You are part ofthat; you are building that tool.


I’m sorry about what you where talking about thealignment in the gaps, you were talking about aligning the different plasmafields to make a projection dream, that actually is a reality because that isthe way our eyes work.


You see someone asked questions why the two halves of the brain are on one sideand the two retinas on the other side you see and why they connect to one sideof the brain and not straight and direct, you see this is in with what weperceive to be correct and what we want to be correct and react to. Most of youwhich has built reactors have will have two halves but the problem with yourreactors is that the half to half sits right in the middle but if you have tohalf and the gap between the two nano flow creates different nano flow, and youwill find out that one of the reasons you cannot get your reactor moving it isbecause of this reason. Where in the eye the crack goes from pole to pole butyours is at the equator.


This is the difference, you have loaded your reactor with CO2 and copper oxide,and then and in the center while we were talking in the loading of the threelayers we will see the first visible systems. The CH3 will force the CH2 in themiddle and copper oxide will seep outside with the water we create a differentdimension and the reasons will be different. This is why I kept on saying prayfor your reactors,  and we carry the key in our pocket.


You are connected to your skin tissue to your eyes to your skull, if we explainit they don’t understand it. Maybe they understand why

they carry it, and how they control it, and through their emotion they interact

with the reactor which is millions of kilometers away. It is  how we tell

other people we love them or other we don’t wantanything to do with them, this is how a father on the other side of the worldneeds his call  because he is short on something and when peopleunderstand this then we understand how we answers back about how other peoplefeel  what we know.


The hardest thing is to communicate through voice; it is the slowest method. Ifyou can communicate through eyes and emotions this is instantaneously received,then it is up to the receiver to understand what has been received and then hasto be analyzed, and as we go into space we have to learn this technology and tounderstand it and read it.


The eye is the path to emotional part that

connects, and through it we have connections with other entities in the

universe. But we are too afraid to accept the truth because we cannot see what

we cannot believe. In a way physicality or vision has become mans best source

of man hiding from the truth.…Any

questions?…We can go home now.


Wait a minute that last statement you have to explain a little more about thatlast statement you made. In many instance and on many levels those who are intospiritual teaching and so on the idea is the things we see are basically anillusion of one sort or another due to our interpretation and through the brainand our limited understanding.


You mentioned earlier that people not being able to open up to the full realitytherefore we shut down in certain ways


Let me explain to you something, what the eyes see as green is not necessarilygreen to you or the same color green as I see, what s blue as sky to me is notthe same color blue as you see , if we can make accurate thousands andthousands of different colors of blue,  just using carbon, you say tosomeone so me on a chart the blue you see, then give it to your son and sayshow me the blue you see, no way he ever puts his finger on the same one you did.In so many ways color vision loss comes through the structure of the belief.Those people that become color blind then become visually impaired, is throughwhat they don’t want to see which allows the signal to

the blood which then goes to the eye then becomes non-transferring, then you

don’t see it, you decide what you want to see and thecolor you want to see.


Ok and a lot of times that seems to depend on the intensity our intention orattention of our emotions.


There is a lot to do with our emotions. For example when one is really scared,like when you have a lion chasing you, your eyes will be wide open, taking inas much of the environment as possible. Would that be a correct analogy thatway?


That has to do with the physicality of loss of life. It is the motion you don’t have the chance to replicate and then it is very much like how the

fear to sight can cause physicality to mis-function,  but that is the

reverse. A lot of times we don’t want to see what is infront of us because it suits us that we can carry on to live not to terminateand it is the same with emotion.


So many people or most humans would tend to create internal pictures tosubstitute for what they are seeing in the environment directly and that canactually interfere with vision, for example if people are driving and they areday dreaming, they are not seeing what is in front of them, they are looking attheir internal pictures…Can you talk about that alittle bit perhaps?


It is just a physicality with the emotions, how we see, we look at the eye as awindow into the world but to me it doesn’t work that

way and this is one of things that causes a lot of problems between me and a

lot of people. They think you don’t see through their

behavior, but you see! What can you do? You see everyone with how old they are

and you get to see them through the soul of the eye, ignoring it does not mean

you don’t see it. It is just the way it has to beotherwise it is just too much.


A lot of people who are very close to a lot of people see their problem, seetheir fault. But if you try to change every fault, then you won’t have any time to do anything else. But when you see people, when

you see the soul, you don’t hardly see theirphysicality, because to me it is the essence of the way they look. The way theylook at you they give their sincerity to you if they are who they are and whatthey are in the way the soul behaves, and how you look and the way you put inthe line of the sight in respect to the soul it shows your position in yourlife in the realm of existence.


Look at the way Japanese bend, then they look up at the eye. They don’t bend all the way and put their eyes down, they are still looking

up, because when you bend your line of sight and the soul becomes the same, one

line is like the base reactor,  and the one who stays higher dictates the

habit of the weak,  and this is what we do and now you understand. Look at

one of the pictures that Dr. Eliya put on with two eyes  and the thalamus

they stay on one platform, when you bend when you bow the one who stands higher

in front of you which like the thalamus which is higher , it becomes the head

reactor, so he dictates. You are submissive by your own order, you find

successful people always stand up and they don’t bendbecause the thalamus dictates the position, because the eye sight keeps thesetting.


Behavior of a man is psychological to what he sees through his eyes, but hehides in the back of his thalamus in his soul, the behavior’s the same. You don’t need to say words tosomeone to say you love them, you look at them and through your eyes youtransfer the information and the feeling, it is for them to receive it andunderstand what is being read. They do by habit, they receive but they do nottake it back, but they do not know that in receiving it they have already lostmore than receive because they have to do something with it.


Sight has nothing to do with physicality but the man is again physical, youreceive information on the matter on the heavy side because you go to thecopper and then you go lower. You send information through the light because itis easy to transfer through the CO2 layer of your eye, so in fact when you lookat someone, what you receive very little of is one tenth of the area of thewhole eye nine tenths of your eye is actually sending information out. It islike a radar dish; it sends out and sees what it gets back, but man has becomeso physical that he only looks at the pupil.


You want to understand the character of the man, how generous he is and how hethinks, or a women, what are you going to expect in a relationship with thewhite of the eye because that is what comes to you, this is what you’re going to receive. The eye pupil, the little hole, shows how muchshe is prepared to accept and receive from you. That is why when you getsurprised that the hole opens up because it wants to see more, it cannotbelieve there is so much.


That is why when we see children and we cuddle them our eyes open up, becausethey give freely, so we want to take as much as possible. The eye is the sourceof the richest energy we receive, yes and direct energy, and as much as you eatfood as energy, energy comes to you inyour eye changes gives it to the

musclesthat engross your brain and is the feeding line to your body,to your soul.


If you want to know if someone loves you look at the white of their eye whenthey tell you they love you, you will know if it is true or not. I have donethat all the time, it is very easy to give love with your eyes and see how theeye closes and opens up. It shows a lack of trust in them in regards to whatthey receive because they know they don’t deserve it or

they don’t understand it.


It is like when we went toBelgium,they said whyBelgium?And why did you bring this technology toBelgium? Because they knew thenature of the country. It is the same with us, with human beings, if you dowant to know the truth about a man look him into the eye. If he shivers itmeans he is a thief, if he stands and holds his ground and looks back it meansyou have met your match, you can trust one hundred percent.


I do this all the time, I meet people and in an instant I know what I have inmy hand, and I have done that for years and years. You see through the soul ofthe man you don’t need to look any other way, you tell

a women you love her in the eye and she if she is true to it in responding back

and you say the same thing to somebody you love you call it whatever and you

find out how they respond back to you and put the sun in your marriage, it is

for them to understand you’re not a fool you accept thecondition cause what you do you transfer the energy somewhere else.


If you cut the head off a man, man on its own can live from a soul through hiseyes. This is why originally we had the eyes connected to our emotional side ofour brain for feed, that is the side of the brain we opened up to the water ofthe eye to hold it back to be able to feed the energy the eye needed  andif you look at the structure of the eye, there is no difference between theeye, the water in your lungs, and the juice in your stomach,  it is acompilation system, and why do you need to comply because you need the energy.


The lung is the energy for the physical part, the stance is the energy absorberfor the physical part of the body, the lung is the physical energy absorber forthe physical part of the brain and the eye is the energy absorber for the soulof the man, that is why, that is how the minute the body has created the eyesfrom the retinas, it looks for energy to accomplish this. This is exactly whathe has not understood and if you can support the soul through the eye then youfind a behavior that is correct and the life last for a long time so perhaps itputs a lot of fear into people who understand it  and to come.


But at the same time the body, the emotional part likes to give and get emotionback for what it receives and what is my answer. So it uses the white, then youunderstand what you got on your hands, you employ a person look them in the eyeand look at the white and tell them you want to employ them and then you seetheir reaction in the white of their eyes, then you know you have got a honestworker or not.


When you love a woman you tell her in her face, you tell her you love her andadore her see how she responds back to you. If you have a cheater on your handsor you got someone who can be a part of your life this will not change, theheart is between physicality and emotionality and after three years in failsout, but the eye never tells a lie because it is a part of our emotional sidethat is always constant that has no physicality change. The water in therestays constant, the coating of the copper oxide stays constant and the CO2stays constant there is not a factor of change as such.…Any other question?


We have a question from last week from Eric about a when a person swims underwater in a heavily chlorinated pool for a long time.


I said that is a physicality that is exactly what happens to Eric with metal inhis eye but this time it happens to you through liquid.


You see if you ask that question you should have heard a noise in thebackground…we have our American guy here, he is atransfer of technology to American military, you all know him. We will let himspeak so that you know who he is and he is one of the fore frontiers for thepeace for the American military and government in so many ways as they say, Igive the headphones to him.


and I have a question for Mr. Keshe about the eyes though. What if someoneloses their eyes what happens with the connection to the soul then?


MK: When you lose your eyes or you are born without the eye, part of the innercircle of the thalamus takes that position. Blindness is not the physicality ofthe eye, and in so many ways the information reaches the thalamus and is muchstronger in the transfer of the information. You find people who lose an eyethey become much more emotionally stable because now they have one eye to seewith and cannot be lied to, is what they say. But when you’re born without the eyes the thalamus must directly receive the

information.…Any other question?


I am still intrigued by this idea that the eyes basically interfere with thissensitivity with this thalamus and so on, so how could this be?


They are made of it, they are made of the same,  like the pictures Dr.Eliya showed you , they are needed to cut the tail of it which is the eye, thebody then receives the information.


But it seems like the body receives the information better without the eyes,like you were just mentioning, many blind people are more sensitive emotionallyto ahhh…


Yah because, because what you do, you bring other senses to carry theinformation The ears are our or less, you have got to realize, let me explainin a very simple way the shape of the core of the eye. The socket is placed andpositioned in a way that to receive information you don’t just have a bone. When the skin takes the place of receiving theinformation you just change the nano layer.  If we scrape the whole eyeout leaving not tissue on the bone then there is no way to transfer energy soeasy, and then you go using the skin.


The skin of the ears can also send information to others, because still theinformation will not be the same, just what I explained a few minutes ago. Mandid not need, and I have said this before, did not need the physicality. Thephysicality will leach on top of an entity which we call the emotional part,and that emotional part already has its own emotional source which is the eye.Just because it is not there and we never thought of it or never had theknowledge of the inside job to do, it is very easy and I say it again thestructure of the lung or of the stomach  and the structure of the eye allcarry three liquids, those liquids are doing the transfer for information and to get information.


We do not need the space to create the body of the man, if you can take the eyeof a man and his physicality away from the embryo, you have the man just theway you want him to grow, and then the physicality will adapt to the nature ofeveryline uswe use the eyes to knowledge sure to resend theinformation of energy to the emotional part. There are many creatures in theuniverse that use exactly the same system, not of the same process, but indifferent ways


Mr. Keshe do you think one day the technology you speak of will be able to regrow a new eye or substitute in some other way perhaps that will still connectwith the soul.


MK: Why not? We have evolved a more complicated piece say five years ago theright system sits in your RNA, it builds itself into, you can re-grow any partof the body, and that just goes further and further as I have explained to youyesterday, or as I have just now, that the Keshe foundation went into fulloperation in bring its health and technical know how, and have brought what Icall the systems into worldwide usage, and about 2:00 this morning they startdoing the first thing to do, or to be manufactured in the next two to fourweeks.


We have just opened the CO2 section, the health section, very soon in Januarythe very first biology can be put on the shelf. Everything is on the move, theKeshe foundation has gone into full production with the success of the Chinese.We are trying to reach at least one million a month in the beginning, and inabout a month worldwide with collaborations with Keshe foundations around theworld. You will see the changes that are coming now. We don’t talk we have opened the doors to go full way. So building amachine so that when you are blind to see is becoming a reality in the comingmonths.


Would you want to show a little part of that video I made yesterday Rick? I did a short video yesterday, which I reloaded; these little reactors wereflying around. As you know we have gone to closer landing positions by 2centimeter


What is this we are looking at?


Are you talking about my reactor rotating at 2500 RPM?


This is on the live stream now it shows the field with the aluminum ganses


You want to talk about it there Vince?


Yeah for sure, I made a total of six reactors, and I emptied that yellow one Ihad before and added some more.


What was that Mr. Keshe?


No Marko was worried about his new reactor being a little wobbly and when Ilook at yours on the top I say congratulations.


So I emptied the yellow one so I  added some more Aluminium ganses I alsoadded some CH3.  I mixed it all together and I put it in to the bottom thebottom 5 reactors in kind of a star formation , so I just started rotating theother with the aluminium ganses on top and you can see it does create that bandbut there is some interesting  effects that happened in the camera due tothe rotation.


I just thought it was really interesting and that I should just get it outbut  the other part is that the tube in the center of the reactor, thereis no tube there, there is no air in this reactor, and yet this tube is stillthere I am trying to show again it is not just a mix of ganses that does it,there is only 3 milliliters of known ganses in there and still it creates thetube, so you can see there is a definite different type of formations on thebulb area


Well first you can see the distortion due to the camera of how the timing onthe camera and how the frames are shown, it gives it this strange distortedview of the reactor as it is going around with a spiraling kind of effect.


Exactly because it is not visible it is ah only in the camera.


But it does not answer it has it flown yet?


No it has not flown yet


Is it moving?


Not yet


Is it vibrating? Do you know why?


Yes it is vibrating.


There is more to the system


There is more below this reactor and it does vibrate quite badly.


It perhaps has to do with the drill press vibrating or what ever.


Yes but why your ganses are settled to the bottom, well you said the reactormight fall off


Yes exactly I took it out to shake it up to get the ganses to come startreacting, exactly. So I did put it back there and you can see they are all justone glued together but is real easy to take a part, this is more for testing tosee if it will make the bands for when I do the other prototype and just thereaction of the balls at speed, so it was more of a test. I seen someinteresting things and I wanted to show it


You can see how the ganses settle out between this shot and if I go back a fewminutes it is shaken up then it settles down.


When do we expect to see you flying, Vince?


My plan is still for launch at Christmas


The moon or Jupiter


Ahh, you pick Mars is very popular this month


They just sent a rocket off, Vince was tuning into the launch just before the showtoday.



