

2017-10-15  本文已影响9人  8ddf8158926a

1. 包子的图:


2. Product Life Cycle

The concept of product life cycle (PLC) concerns the life of a product in the market with respect to business/commercial costs and sales measures. The product life cycle proceeds through multiple phases, involves many professional disciplines, and requires many skills, tools and processes. PLC management makes the following three assumptions:[citation needed]Products have a limited life and thus every product has a life cycle.Product sales pass through distinct stages, each posing different challenges, opportunities, and problems to the seller.Products require different marketing, financing, manufacturing, purchasing, and human resource strategies in each life cycle stage.Once the product is designed and put into the market, the offering should be managed efficiently for the buyers to get value from it. Before entering into any market complete analysis is carried out by the industry for both external and internal factors including the laws and regulations, environment, economics, cultural values and market needs. Product life cycle is guanine concept and this term ‘product life cycle’ is associated with every product that exists, however, due to a limited shelf life the product has to expire. From the business perspective, as a good business, the product needs to be sold before it finishes its life. In terms of profitability, expiry may jolt the overall profitability of the business therefore there are few strategies, which are practiced to ensure that the product is sold within the defined period of maturity.、

主旨:The concept of product life cycle (PLC) concerns the life of a product in the market with respect to business/commercial costs and sales measures. In terms of profitability, expiry may jolt the overall profitability of the business therefore there are few strategies, which are practiced to ensure that the product is sold within the defined period of maturity.

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