
2018-08-10  本文已影响35人  颖视英文

I don't know for sure whether or not people were born to be equal. Maybe yes, maybe no. But there's one thing for certain that we are not of the same status when we grow up, with definitely different and even drastically diverse personalities.  

今天要给大家推荐一部最近热播的美剧,同时也跟大家一起来聊聊贯穿整部剧的主题school bullying, 也就是校园欺凌


The name of this American TV series is called Thirteen Reasons Why(《十三个原因》)。

Many of you may wonder, what reasons? For what things?

These were the questions that haunted me most when I first saw the name. The reason I use the word "haunt" is that throughout this play, the voice of the heroine has always been there like a roaming ghost troubling you. By you, I mean the characters in the play. If you are really into this, you may feel like a part of it. 



Starting from the suicide of the heroine, the girl named Hannah, who is also the leading role in this series. Even though being dead, she is still there, trapped, waiting to see the consequences that she meant to bring to those causing her death. 

Clay Jensen


For starters, the hero Clay Jensen, who has been deeply in love with the girl but failed to pour out his heart, got the tape recorded by Hannah. The boy was in deep sorrow when he received the parcel delivered anonymously(匿名地). He found out the sender immediately when he heard the familiar voice, his late(已故的)secret crush.  He had been tortured by this unrequited love(单相思)for a long time. Maybe this word is not accurate, since the girl had been longing for( 盼望)his true feelings. But she didn't make it.

But this is not a story about how a girl died because of failed love, but a tragic one about unbearable(难以忍受的)pain towards school bullying.  

Being a newcomer of this senior high school, Hannah tried hard to fit in. And as far as I can tell, she blended in(融入)just fine at first. But things are different later. Things change when people started to talk and gossip(八卦).

Senior high schools can be disorganised and chaotic even though I buried myself in study back then. With not much extracurricular activities(课外活动) after school or during school time, I basically only knew to study attentively(专心地). 

But, there's a huge but here, I was bullied verbally(口头地)during my school year. And this is still not something I want to tell even now, after several years of graduation from senior high. 

I was merely a good student who wanted to work hard and practice my English in class. I really didn't think much about not leaving many chances to other classmates. I asked and answered questions voluntarily and actively in English lessons, giving speeches and presentations nonstop.  And to tell you the truth, I enjoyed it deeply.  However, I heard some of my classmates talking behind my back, even speaking ill of me(在背后诋毁某人). They thought that my acts in class were just meant to show off(炫耀,出风头). I swear I didn't have even a slightest inclination to do so. But that what they posit(假定)and definitely not true. Maybe it's due to lack of communication or self-reflection(自我反省), I should have taken it more properly. If I were given a second chance, maybe things could have slided into a different direction. 

Back to this TV series, the heroine of the play should have dealt with the issue differently, instead of killing herself and putting her loved ones in sorrow.

But then again, the girl is kind of a drama queen from where I'm standing. Who knows. She is a senior high school student after all. We shouldn't be too hard on her(对她要求太苛刻). 


Did you notice the guy behind them? He is the one who used to like Hannah but was rejected in front of many people. It's hard to say, but this is a bit harsh for a popular basketball player. But again, I don't think it's a big deal. If you do like the girl, why annoyed after being declined? Try one more time if you really like her. Or at least don't be a sore loser(输不起的人). Don't make things ugly.

If you want to know how things will turn into, go find it yourself. 


