

2017-10-17  本文已影响0人  岭南后生

Leon and Amy:


广交会,The China Import and Export Fair,简称 Canton Fair. 展会,exhibition, fair, trade show.

你们公司这次参加广交会了吗?Does your company attend the Canton Fair this time?

我们一年参加两次展会,这次的广交会没去。We attend the exhibitions twice a year, not attending the Canton Fair this time. 两次,twice.

很多公司现在对参加展会期望不高。Many companies now have no high expectation for attending the trade shows. 期望,expectation. 参加,attend.

有一些老客户会来见见我们。 Some old customers will come to see us.

现在很少客户会直接在展会上采购产品。Few customers would purchase products directly at the fair now. 很少,few. 采购,purchase/buy.

我想参观一下你们的展位,你们的展位号是多少?I'd like to visit your booth, what is your booth number? 展位,booth. 参观,visit.

在参展期间,有些客户会去参观工厂。During the exhibition, some customers will visit the factories. 在。。。期间,during. 工厂,factory.

这次的订单很大,你们必须给我们一个好价格。The order is very big, you must give us a good price. 订单,order. 必须,must.

我们想和你们老板谈谈。We'd like to talk to your boss. 谈,talk.

这次的谈判非常困难,我们务必全力以赴。The negotiation is very difficult and we must do our best. 谈判,negotiation. 全力以赴,do one's best.

很高兴见到你,希望我们以后能长期合作。Nice to meet you, I hope we can cooperate for a long time. 合作,cooperate. 长期,a long time.

欢迎来到中国!Welcome to China!

欢迎到我们的公司参观。Welcome to visit our company.


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