

2016-08-07  本文已影响558人  章磊磊

You’re satisfied with mediocrity.


We all receive messages from many sources: parents, friends, churches, movies, TV shows, the news… messages that tell us we should be nice, well-behaved consumers who are satisfied with mediocrity and don’t try to stray too far from it. But this doesn’t mean that YOU have to be satisfied with mediocrity.


You say “I can’t.”


These two words, and their cousins “I have to,” should be eliminated from all languages everywhere. These are loser words. Victim words. As soon as you think or say “I can’t,” before you’ve even gotten to “because,” you’ve already given all of your power away, and the more words you put after “because,” the faster your power is fleeing from you.


Replace “I can’t” with “I could if I wanted to.” Replace “I have to” with “I am doing this because…”


You complain about never getting what you want.


Every time we want something, we are also keenly aware of its absence. As Abraham says in this short video, “Every subject is really two subjects.” There is the problem, which is the lack of what you want. For instance, the lack of money — and there is the solution, which is what you want — more money.


Instead of joining in your friends’ conversations about being poor, lonely, fat or sick, excuse yourself and go daydream for five minutes. What would it be like to be rich? What kind of car would you drive? What kind of house would you live in? What would you do together? What would you talk about? If you had a perfect body, what would you wear? How would other people respond to you? What would your perfect job feel like?


You hate rich / skinny / successful / healthy / happy / attractive people.


Jealousy is a colossal waste of time and energy. Worse, it keeps you from getting what you want, because if you get rich, a great-looking body, or a relationship that curls your toes… you’re going to look a whole lot like the very people you hate. And then what are you going to do, hate yourself? That’s pretty messed up!


Instead of hating these people, study them! They’ve figured out how to get what you want! If you can figure out how they got it, and you do the same thing, then you can have it, too.


“When the success of another makes your heart sing, your resistance is gone, and your own success soars.”– Abraham Hicks


You only talk about it / haven’t actually done anything about it / think reading about it is enough.


Don’t get me wrong; dreaming, reading, talking is great! All of these actions make you feel super inspired, and this place of inspiration is the best platform from which to launch inspired, productive action.


If you’ve found a perfect diet, a perfect fitness routine, a perfect person, a perfect job, a perfect business opportunity, act! You may never get this opportunity again! Don’t wait until Sunday because it’s a new week. Throw caution to the winds, and take that first step. If you’re hesitating, what’s holding you back? Is it that…


You’re afraid to suck.你害怕失败

Remember, everyone was a beginner: Olympic athletes, top-notch musicians, even you. Remember your first day at work? That deer-in-the-headlights feeling? Remember how many mistakes you made? But you didn’t remain a beginner, did you? You got better at what you were doing.


Babies aren’t born with ripped, perfect bodies, fabulous relationships, or checking accounts full of dollars. Self-made millionaires, entrepreneurs, musicians, bodybuilders, married people — everyone had to start from ground zero. And in the beginning, everyone sucked. They started businesses that folded. They tried diets and training programs that didn’t work. They got involved in horrible relationships. Thomas Edison “failed” 10,000 times before he came up with a light bulb that worked. If you try something and it doesn’t work, try something different. But don’t give up your dream.

孩子不是生下来就什么都会,也没有姣好的身材,没有良好的人际关系,也没有存款很多的支票账户。白手起家的百万富翁、企业家、音乐家、健身员、已婚人士---每个人都是从零开始的。起初,每个人都不容易。一手经办的生意黄了,尝试的饮食方法、训练技巧都没效果,在一段感情中沉沦。汤玛斯 爱迪生在电灯试验中经历了1000次“失败”。要是你努力过了,但是没能取得成功,换种方法再试试。不要放弃。

You think getting what you want happens overnight.


Do you know what happens to most people who win the lottery or lose lots of weight in a short period of time? They spend all of the money, they put the weight back on, and they wind up back — or worse off than — where they started. Being an overnight success is like being plunged into the deep end of a pool without learning how to swim first.


Once you’ve decided that nothing is more important than your dreams, don’t give up. Stick with it. The payoff will be the manifestation of your dreams, your ability to inspire others to manifest theirs, and, believe it or not, taking the whole human species with you to the next level. You can do it.


You decide it’s too hard and quit before you get what you want.


There’s no doubt about it; manifesting your dreams can take a lot of hard work. Whether your dream is starting a business, being in a long-term relationship, having a great-looking, great-feeling body, or changing your outlook on life, sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get there.


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