How to motivate the graduates wo

2019-04-19  本文已影响0人  Loya文一

As we know, the number of university graduates is increasing rapidly every year in China. Under such circumstances, it’s so difficult to find a good job in normal conditions. However, at the same time, the university graduates firstly come to contact with the society as new office clerks in the companies, they may meet too much problems, which make them feel unpowered. As a manager, how to motivate the employees work harder may be a valuable issue to analyze and discuss.

The first way to motivate employees is improving the salary or delaying the holidays. This measure is based on the Maslow’s Needs Theory and Alderfer’s ERG Theory. Why they need to improve the salary? Because since they graduating from the school, they must start to support themselves by earning enough money. They firstly need money to guarantee basic living such as food and house. They need money to pay for these. Why they need to delaying the holidays?  Because some of them may prefer relaxing. There are many individual differences across the world. Everybody has everybody's thought and decision. So, they may have different need for their life.

Secondly, according to Porter and Lawler Expectancy Model, managers can motivate the employees by complimenting them on their work and show patience and concern to them. Managers should explain often how an employee’s work helps the company. In this way, employees may feel responsible in the company. Allpeoplehave oneinsatiable cravingand thatcravingis tofeelimportant,valued, andheard. They all wanted to be praised in the company. Good mood can create great benefit possibly.

The third method that stimulate the employees is making sure all of the employees in the same company receive the same pay as others doing the same work. Managers should tie salary raises to performance—not just seniority. It is obvious that fairness is the foundation of all work. If there is no justice, there is no benefit. This way is on the basis of the Equity theory.

Fourthly, a great manager should lead employees to set feasible goal in combination with their own specific situation. This is a good way to encourage the employees’ proactivity, that in accordance with the Goal setting theory.  If employees set their goals too high, chances are that they will never attain it. If so, they may berate themselves and feel unpowered to work.  Instead, if employees set a realistic goal, they can achieve their goals and feel motivated to work, so that can produce more benefit for company.

The fifth measure to motivate employees is that the companies should do their part to make a good working environment, so that employees could be able to get along with most of the people they work with every day. In the meantime, the company should develop employees' interest in the work to attract them. Because Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory tell us that Hygiene factors are the features of the work environment which, if present, help avoid dissatisfaction with work. And the motivators are features of the job itself that people find enjoyable and that have a motivational effect.

As mentioned above, these five methods that according to different management theories are my ideas to motivate the graduates employees. Graduates as an unsophisticated group, they can be motivated easily by many measures. No matter which incentive method the managers choose, the ultimate goal is all to create greater corporate efficiency.

How to motivate the graduates work harder in the company?
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