
Sublime主题 Seti_UI的使用

2017-08-20  本文已影响0人  此人不叫zgq


1.打开Preference -- Package Control,在搜索栏中选中install Package,如图1

图 1 


图 2 


1.打开个人配置文件,在preferences中点击Setting - User,如图3

图  3 


基本设置(个人设置,仅供参考,若出现乱码或者无变化请删去 // 注释中的中文)



"Seti_no_blue_bar": true,

"Seti_tabs_med": true,

"Seti_tabs_small": true,

"color_scheme": "Packages/Colorcoder/Monokai (Colorcoded) (SL) (Colorcoded).tmTheme",

"font_size": 11,

"highlight_line": true,

"Seti_no_scroll_icons": true, // remove the l/r arrows, effective when ("enable_tab_scrolling": true)

"Seti_no_under_bar": true, // remove the small colored bar under the un-saved tabs "not available with accents"

"Seti_bold_slctdtab_labels": true, // make active tab label font in bold

"Seti_use_system_title_bar": false, // use the new tabset feature (>=3127)

// tabs unsaved bar ("Seti_accent_*": false)  未保存时设置

"Seti_red_tab": true,

// tab label  标签设置

"Seti_yellow_label": true,

// tab close button ("Seti_accent": false) 关闭标签设置

"Seti_teal_tabclose": true,

// scrollbar 滚轮设置

"Seti_teal_scrollbar": true,

// icons 图标设置

"Seti_ClosedFolder_same": false, // same icon as the "Opened folder"

"Seti_ClosedFolder_remove": false, // remove closed_folder icon

"Seti_ClosedFolder_dots": true, // change closed_folder icon to dot

"Seti_ClosedFolder_anim": false, // animate sidebar folder icons

"Seti_sb_blank": false, // (issues/133)

// padding 边距设置

"Seti_sb_small_padding": true, // sidebar entries padding = 3

"Seti_sb_big_padding": true, // sidebar entries padding = 10

"Seti_sb_tree_med": true, // sidebar tree padding = 15

"Seti_sb_tree_small": true, // sidebar tree padding = 10

"Seti_sb_tree_tiny": true, // (issues/88)

"Seti_sb_tree_miny": true, // (issues/88)

"Seti_show_group_arrows": true, // show the folder/group arrows in sidebar

// labels  标签设置

"Seti_bold_slctdfile_labels": true, // make the sidebar selected file text in bold

"Seti_sidebar_font_size_12": true, // (issues/115)

"Seti_sidebar_font_Ubuntu": true, // (issues/115)

"Seti_bold_heading": true, // make heading font in bold

"Seti_no_heading": true, // remove the "folder,group 1,etc.."

"Seti_alt_tree_row": true,

// view 外观设置

"Seti_pad_5": true, // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 5

"Seti_pad_3": true, // use with line_padding_bottom / line_padding_top = 3

"Seti_panel_nrml": true, // remove the padding top/down from quick panel

// map  右边导航栏颜色设置

"Seti_teal_map": true,

// status bar 状态栏颜色设置

"Seti_red_statusbar": true,

// accents 活动状态颜色设置

"Seti_accent_yellow": false,

"ignored_packages": [



"mouse_wheel_tabswitch": true,

"original_color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/Monokai (Colorcoded) (SL).tmTheme",

"tab_size": 4,

"theme": "Seti_orig.sublime-theme",

"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true



图 4 


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