Day 27:Englishpod(Asking for Tim
Hey, guys,
I am Carla.
来吧,又是美好的一天,星期六,打卡第27,快要一个月了🤩Here we go.
A: Mr. McKenna, do you have a second? I need to talk to you about something.
B: Sure, Liv, what can I do for you?
A: Well, I was just wondering. . . you see, I know I’ve used up all my vacation days this year, but my sister is getting married, and the wedding is overseas, and, well. . .
B: You wanna take some time off, is that right?
A: Well, sir, I was just hoping that I might be able to take some unpaid leave this year.
B: What dates are you planning on taking off? I’ll need at least two months notice, so that I can plan for your absence.
A: I was thinking of taking off from September first until the thirtieth . Would you be okay with that?
B: Well, I guess so.
Okay,next part is 重点单词,句型讲解
1.have a second 有空吗
e.g. Open your mouth whenever youhave a second!
2.used up 用光,用完
e.g. Spare capacity has been used up. Where it can, foreign capital is pouring in.

3.take some unpaid leave 事假(无薪假)
e.g. I would like to take some unpaid leave if it's possible.

4. Would you be okay with that? 你不介意吧?感觉可以吧?
e.g. Would it be okay with your husband to have a trip?
今天的内容就到这里了,Thanks for your reading.
See u next week.