20190127 sought-after

2019-01-26  本文已影响0人  Maglight

1. 这是什么词?


英英释义:wanted by many people but not easy to get

例句:Yeezy sneakers are one of the most sought-after footwear in the world.

2. 为什么选这个词?

“sought-after”是个形容词,来自动词短语 “seek after”,它的意思和我们前一天学的 desirable 差不多,表示“受欢迎的”。常常是由于稀少或优质而备受欢迎,这个词经常可以在介绍某人和某物时见到。

侃爷(Kanye West)和阿迪达斯合作的潮流品牌“椰子鞋”(Yeezy)备受追捧,在许多国家都卖的很火。我们可以说:

Yeezy sneakers are one of the most sought-after footwear in the world.

NPR 电台的主持人 Guy Raz 在今年成为了播客历史上第一个在 Apple Podcast 前 20 排行榜上同时拥有三个电台节目的主持人。我们在介绍他的时候就可以说:

Guy Raz is a much sought-after podcaster. He is the only person to ever have three shows simultaneously in Apple’s top 20 podcasts.

《经济学人》中也经常用到 sought-after,比如提到人才时它说:

Talent has become the world's most sought-after commodity, says Adrian Wooldridge.


Decisions will be made based on a points system, which favours those with sought-after skills and education.


3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



The Economist has been the sought-after reading material among the Chinese English language learners.

(参考翻译:The Economist has become the most sought-after reading material among Chinese English language learners. )


例子: 苹果的产品备受人们的青睐

场景 :Apple has been the most sought-after electrical product in the world.

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