2019-05-01 本文已影响3人
1 莱纳德有个荒谬的想法,他说你在生我的气。
Leonard has some ridiculous notion that you're mad at me.
2 你应该站在我这边。
You should have taken my side.
3 确切地说,我什么都没做。
Precisely, I didn't do anything.
4 今天太古怪了。
What a weird day.
5 跟他说,你没生我的气。
You be telling him you're not mad at me.
6 快说,让他死得明白。
Go ahead, set him straight.
7 你的朋友对我出言不逊,而你什么都没做。
Your friend insulted me, and you didn't do anything.
8 就这么干,老弟,你做得太棒了。
Keeping going, buddy, you're doing great.
9 我在生你的气,谢尔顿。
I'm mad at you, Sheldon.
10 就这样吧,我没话说了。晚安。
That's it, end of story, good night.