RNA-seq生信工具RNASeq 数据分析


2018-01-19  本文已影响42人  x2yline









gfold - Generalized fold change for ranking differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data.

GFOLD is especially useful when no replicate is available. GFOLD generalizes the fold change by considering the posterior distribution of log fold change, such that each gene is assigned a reliable fold change. It overcomes the shortcoming of p-value that measures the significance of whether a gene is differentially expressed under different conditions instead of measuring relative expression changes, which are more interesting in many studies. It also overcomes the shortcoming of fold change that suffers from the fact that the fold change of genes with low read count are not so reliable as that of genes with high read count, even these two genes show the same fold change.


Feng J, Meyer CA, Wang Q, Liu JS, Liu XS, Zhang Y. GFOLD: a generalized fold change for ranking differentially expressed genes from RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics 2012



Example 1: Count reads and rank genes

In the following example, hg19Ref.gtf is the ucsc knownGene table for hg19; sample1.sam and sample2.sam are the mapped reads in SAM format.

gfold count -ann hg19Ref.gtf -tag sample1.sam -o sample1.read_cnt
gfold count -ann hg19Ref.gtf -tag sample2.sam -o sample2.read_cnt
gfold diff -s1 sample1 -s2 sample2 -suf .read_cnt -o sample1VSsample2.diff

example 2: Count reads

This example utilizes samtools to produce mapped reads in SAM format from BAM format.

samtools view sample1.bam | gfold count -ann hg19Ref.gtf -tag stdin -o sample1.read_cnt

Example 3: Identify differentially expressed genes without replicates

Suppose there are two samples: sample1 and sample2 with corresponding read count file being sample1.read_cnt sample2.read_cnt. This example finds differentially expressed genes using default parameters on two samples

gfold diff -s1 sample1 -s2 sample2 -suf .read_cnt -o sample1VSsample2.diff

Example 4: Identify differentially expressed genes with replicates

This example finds differentially expressed genes using default parameters on two group of samples.

gfold diff -s1 sample1,sample2,sample3 -s2 sample4,sample5,sample6 -suf .read_cnt -o 123VS456.diff

Example 5: Identify differentially expressed genes with replicates only in one condition

This example finds differentially expressed genes using default parameters on two group of samples. Only the first group contains replicates. In this case, the variance estimated based on the first group will be used as the variance of the second group.

gfold diff -s1 sample1,sample2 -s2 sample3 -suf .read_cnt -o 12VS3.diff**




All fields in a output file are separated by TABs.

The second output file (.ext) contains the normalized read counts


