
2019-04-05  本文已影响0人  分裂四人组


case class TimeWindow(
    timeColumn: Expression,
    windowDuration: Long,
    slideDuration: Long,
    startTime: Long)

TimeWindowing Rule

目的: 针对于滑窗,时间列会被多个窗口用到,所以需要基于Expand算子将一个时间列映射到多个时间窗口中去;


   * maxNumOverlapping <- ceil(windowDuration / slideDuration)
   * for (i <- 0 until maxNumOverlapping)
   *   windowId <- ceil((timestamp - startTime) / slideDuration)
   *   windowStart <- windowId * slideDuration + (i - maxNumOverlapping) * slideDuration + startTime
   *   windowEnd <- windowStart + windowDuration
   *   return windowStart, windowEnd


val window = windowExpressions.head

        val metadata = window.timeColumn match {
          case a: Attribute => a.metadata
          case _ => Metadata.empty
       // 根据传入的i值,获取第i个窗口:
      // - 在滚动窗口中,这个值即为0;
      // - 在滑动窗口中,这个值即为`0 until maxNumOverlapping`;
        def getWindow(i: Int, overlappingWindows: Int): Expression = {
          val division = (PreciseTimestampConversion(
            window.timeColumn, TimestampType, LongType) - window.startTime) / window.slideDuration
          val ceil = Ceil(division)
          // if the division is equal to the ceiling, our record is the start of a window
          val windowId = CaseWhen(Seq((ceil === division, ceil + 1)), Some(ceil))
          val windowStart = (windowId + i - overlappingWindows) *
            window.slideDuration + window.startTime
          val windowEnd = windowStart + window.windowDuration
          // 注意这个结果:最终生成的其实是一个包含`WINDOW_START`和`WINDOW_END`的struct,其实也就是`13:15-14:15`这样的表达式;
            Literal(WINDOW_START) ::
              PreciseTimestampConversion(windowStart, LongType, TimestampType) ::
              Literal(WINDOW_END) ::
              PreciseTimestampConversion(windowEnd, LongType, TimestampType) ::

        val windowAttr = AttributeReference(
          WINDOW_COL_NAME, window.dataType, metadata = metadata)()

        if (window.windowDuration == window.slideDuration) {
        // 滚动窗口的实现,这里将通过getWindow获得的struct表达式alias为COL_NAME
          val windowStruct = Alias(getWindow(0, 1), WINDOW_COL_NAME)(
            exprId = windowAttr.exprId, explicitMetadata = Some(metadata))

          val replacedPlan = p transformExpressions {
            case t: TimeWindow => windowAttr

          // For backwards compatibility we add a filter to filter out nulls
          val filterExpr = IsNotNull(window.timeColumn)

              Project(windowStruct +: child.output, child)) :: Nil)
        } else {
         // 滑动窗口的实现
          val overlappingWindows =
            math.ceil(window.windowDuration * 1.0 / window.slideDuration).toInt
        // 基于`tabulate`遍历实现伪代码中的迭代
          val windows =
            Seq.tabulate(overlappingWindows)(i => getWindow(i, overlappingWindows))

          val projections = windows.map(_ +: child.output)

          val filterExpr =
            window.timeColumn >= windowAttr.getField(WINDOW_START) &&
              window.timeColumn < windowAttr.getField(WINDOW_END)
         // 最后基于Expand算子实现多个Window的映射
          val substitutedPlan = Filter(filterExpr,
            Expand(projections, windowAttr +: child.output, child))

          val renamedPlan = p transformExpressions {
            case t: TimeWindow => windowAttr

          renamedPlan.withNewChildren(substitutedPlan :: Nil)
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