
一张图看懂 Scrum 核心价值的作用

2019-06-13  本文已影响0人  北雁寄南书

不管是在学习中还是在实践中,大多数情况是,我们对于 Scrum 的组织框架更为重视,而对其 5 个核心价值则是奉为宝典,但束之高阁。非不懂其意义,实为不知如何付诸实践。这是我在自己最近一段时间的 Scrum Master 经历中的一个发现。

从本质上来说,没有 5 个价值核心价值观,Scrum 框架就是无本之木,很难贯彻下去。因为一旦在运作中遇到了问题,我们往往还是从框架或流程中找问题,而往往忽视了对于 核心价值观的挖掘。但问题恰恰在于 Scrum 框架本身就是不完善的,它是一个开放的框架,为了让这个框架运转地更完善,我们必须立足于其核心价值观,寻找最佳实践以确保 Scrum 可以在团队中持续下去。

就好比方法是否管用,起决定作用的还是思维方式,同样如果对于核心价值观缺乏深刻认识,终归是无法掌握 Scrum 各个组成部分的真实意义和作用。

那么问题来了,我们究竟要怎要才能充分利用五大核心价值为团队的  Scrum  框架持续造血,并保持 Scrum 大脑的正常运转呢?


承诺(Commitment):literally means “joined together.” It involves sharing our sincere intent to act, and thenaccepting responsibility for following through on that intended action. In Scrum, people personally commit to achieving the shared goals of the Scrum Team.


Joined together

Sharing our sincere intent to act


专注(Focus):comes from the Latin word for “domestic hearth,” which was the location of the fire at thecenter of the home. People in the home gathered around the hearth for warmth, light, and sustenance, since it was used for cooking. The focus was literally the thing that brought people together. In Scrum, everyone focuses on the work of the Sprint and the goals of the Scrum Team.

Focus 来源于拉丁语中的“炉边”,炉边是一个参够将人们汇集在一起的地方,是人们寻求温暖,光明和生存的地方,炉子是用来做饭的,所以自然而然是人们关注的中心。同样 Scrum team 也应该要有自己的关注点,如果没有形成这个点,即使我们在 Scrum 的运作上用再多力气,也很可能事倍功半,更重要的是,如果没有形成这个关注点,Team 很可能失去存在的价值。

开放(Openness):The Scrum Team and its stakeholders agree to be open about all the work and the challenges with performing the work. Openness is closely related to the empirical pillar of Transparency.

心底无私天地宽,保持一切工作和挑战的透明,所有人对于当前状况一目了然,即避免了沟通上的浪费,还增加互信。在 Scrum 中,没有什么是需要隐瞒的。

尊重(Respect) means “to look or view again.” Respect involves taking a second look at how we view others, to develop a sincere appreciation for the unique capabilities that they contribute. Scrum Team members respect each other to be capable, independent people.


勇气(Courage) means “from the heart.” It involves acting in alignment with our beliefs, especially when that is hard. Scrum Team members have courage to do the right thing and work on tough problems.


真正理解了 Scrum 核心价值的意义,团队才能在迷失,困顿,恐惧,无助时找到适合的最佳实践,而这些实践只要符合 Scrum 朴素的价值观和基本原则,就一定能够为大家所接受和认可。

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